A modern day retelling of the classic, the story of Benji follows one orphaned puppy and Carter and Frankie, two capricious New Orleans school kids who strike up a friendship with the tenacious street dog. When danger befalls them and they end up kidnapped by robbers who are in over their heads, Benji and his scruffy sidekick come to the rescue.
Brandon Camp
Brandon Camp
  • Awesome movie .Got me crying here ????
  • Beautiful graphic, rich characters and refreshing mainstream family FRIENDLY animal movie. delightful, enchanting.
  • Brought back memories from when I was young. Love Benji. Great movie
  • This is a good movie, I enjoyed this almost as much as the original. This is a good reboot to an old franchise.
  • I absolutely loved the movie. Took me back to the 80s when I first saw the original Benji movies during my childhood.
  • A magical movie, that makes me believe in Hope! Also, soundtrack is absolutely amazing!I loved it
  • The movie didn't disappoint me like Benji: Off the Leash. This reboot directed by Brandon Camp, captures the charm and magic of the original film. If you ever saw the original, and like dog movies, you won't be disappointed with the reboot. The new Benji looks so much like the first dog, played by Higgins, the canine who starred in TV shows such as Petticoat Junction and others. It's a movie produced by Blumhouse, known for their low budget horror flicks like Get Out. Jason Blum and Brandon Camp did a great job with this reboot that stays true to its roots but has a fresh updated feel set in New Orleans. Go see it on Netflix.
  • The was the best movie I have seen in a long time. It was it funny, realistic, heart warming, great acting, and just the right amount of sad. When you think it's over, they bring back the cheer and light in to your eyes and soul. There are no words to describe how amazing this movie was. In the end I cried but after the plot twisting turn it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Best movie ever.
  • Amazing family movie with a great message. Wonderful to see a clean movie for my kids with a wonderful message of love.
  • Great new Benji! We loved this movie. Our dog loved this movie, couldn't take his eyes off of it. We love all Benji movies, but this one is really great!
  • It was good but very sad ??
  • It's a cute kids movie. My kids loved it, Now I have to show them the the early 1970's version I watched when I was their age.
  • I really liked this version of Benji. It is an updated version with a classic feel to it. The young actor in the movie Gabriel Bateman did a great job as usual. I have seen his work in other movies and he is one of the best young actors I have seen. The movie has intense moments but is still family friendly. This movie is perfect for a family movie night.
  • I found it quite good, but a bit of a cliche, and some acting in the scene where they were all crying seemed a bit off. But it had a cute dog, so that's good.
  • Absolutely loved this movie!!