This dubious comedy sequel chronicles the further exploits of a sociopathic, mean-spirited and selfish brat and his father. This time though, the monster boy meets his match with an equally terrifying little girl and together the two cause all kinds of malevolent and lowbrow mischief.
PG-13 (adult situations/language)
Brian Levant
MCA Universal Home Video
Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski
- Watched this one years ago but just watched this one with my nephew. He loved it just as much! Love John Ritter and loved the comedy by both Junior and his dad.Reply
- Awesome sequel!! It was drop-dead hilarious, fun, romantic, and entertaining!! The film takes a step further and introduces 2 problem children!! It takes the original movie's concept the same way with some romance addition!! The movie knows exactly what it wants to be and represents its title extremely well, like the original!! The movie is exactly what you would expect from its title!! The cast was terrific, especially Michael Oliver!! He plays the problem child with more emotional than the original!! If you like the original, than give this a try, and if you didn't, than don't bother!! I liked the orginal slighty more because it had better action scenes!! This is a must-see!!Reply
- The evil child finds a friend and the mayhem continues. This was another schlocky, fun movie from my childhood.Reply
- Problem Child 2 doesn't fit as a family comedy film due to its rudeness but still worth a shot for mature people.Reply
- Junior (Michael Oliver) and his father, Ben (John Ritter), move from Cold River to Mortville. Junior becomes threatened by Ben's desire to date again and find a new mother for Junior, and sabotages each of his dates. Ben falls in love with Annie (Amy Yasbeck), the school nurse. However, Annie is the mother of Trixie (Ivyann Schwan) - who is worse than Junior in his behavior and equally resents her mother dating again. Then Ben meets Lawanda (Laraine Newman), the richest woman in Mortville, who desires to marry Ben and send Junior to boarding school in Bagdad. And Ben now has to make the decision whether to continue to pursue Annie for love or marry Lawanda so Junior can have a mother. also stars Jack Warden, Gilbert Gottfried, Paul Wilson and Jillian Amburgey.directed by Brian Levant.Reply
- Same reasons as the first one but this one was a little more crude, which is good, sine Junior got older.Reply