Set in the Victorian era, this animated remake of the graphic novel, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight pits the Dark Knight detective against the elusive serial killer, Jack the Ripper. Directed by Sam Liu and featuring the voices of Bruce Greenwood and Jennifer Carpenter as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle respectively.
Sam Liu
James Krieg, Jim Krieg
  • Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is was a great animated movie between Hero Vs. serial killer in 19th century of Gotham City its another universe version based on DC graphic novel of the same name but I truly likes 80s Batman thing likes Arkham Asylum, The Killing Jokes, and Tim Burton's movie.
  • This is what a good Batman movie is supposed to be like, have a good mystery that constantly keeps you guessing. The reveal was good showing how crazy the people around "him" actually are.
  • Wanna see it but is not available in Amazon
  • A pretty solid DC Universe Animated film. An "Elseworld" title meaning it's not part of the canon and is more of a reimagining of a Batman story. Gotham by Gaslight takes place in the Victorian Era we follow Batman (Bruce Greenwood) who is on the trail of the notorious murderer Jack the Ripper. With the help of an actress named Selina Kyle (Jennifer Carpenter) and Commissioner James Gordon (Scott Patterson) Batman gets closer and closer to the identity of the killer. The movie is quite dark. It's rated R, but I think kids could handle it for the most part. The animation is decent, but I actually enjoyed the alternate story here. It's a breath of fresh air to see a different kind of Batman and it's cool that it stuck to the comic book fairly well. It has a twist that I actually didn't see coming and they hide pretty well. The action here is well done and there's a lot of sequences that just work here. Overall, Batman fans and DC Universe Animated fans should definitely give this one a look!
  • I think this movie is the most diffrent movie about BATMANAnd this was the reason I realy enjoyed it And of course there's other reasons like "A new and great story"Everything was realy amazing
  • Bruce Greenwood is a good Batman, I can believe him as an older version of the character. But, the art makes Bruce Wayne look young in this story. So, it doesn't work as well. His voice is too old. Also, the voice actor for Gordon is terrible, he doesn't suit the character at all. Nevertheless, this is a good adaptation from a great elseworld Batman graphic novel. Definitely one of the better DC animated movies in recent years.
  • 4.5 stars enough said.
  • Didn't much care for the story due to the fact that it's an "Elseworlds story", although the twist in the third act was rather surprising. The animation is at times flawed & some characters are disproportionate at various scenes, an observation that tends to set my OCD on red alert & throw me off the narrative.(Updated from 05/04/2018)
  • Batman Gotham by Gaslight, one of the latest movies in the DC animated universe, out of all the animated movies centered around DC properties, so far my favourite ones is this movie, The Lego Batman Movie, and the two animated movies set in the 1960's Batman with Adam West.I love how this movie is set in the Victorian area of time, before technology, Internet... and memes... Can I live in the Victorian times please? No? Okay...This movie has a good story, great characters, great cast members who fit their roles as the characters they voice in this movie, music is really good, the action scenes are good, and the animation is good.If there was anything I had a problem with, it would have to be that maybe some parts of the animation has some 3D areas that are drawn like they're 2D, sometimes it looks great but sometimes it can come across as a problem, even the action scenes have these moments where the camera move with each punch made on screen, again sometimes that is fine but it does come across as a bit too much, like maybe they shouldn't do it for each punch that's in the movie, and my biggest problem comes from the unneeded sex scene, most mature DC animated movies have these for some reason and it isn't nice to watch, other DC animated movies went through this problem like The Killing Joke and Batman & Harley Quinn, very unneeded and I wish it was taken out of the movie since it has nothing to do with the plot.Aside from those problems, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is still a really good movie, I do like a mystery story from time to time plus it's nice to see something like this be created. I highly recommend this movie to fans of the Batman series and fans of the DC animated universe.I give Batman: Gotham by Gaslight an 8.5 out of 10 a great animated movie and what I consider so far to be my favourite animated movie in the DC animated universe.
  • Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: It is Victorian times and Gotham is looking a little Londonish. There is a killer afoot named Jack the Ripper stalking the streets. Also stalking the night is a masked vigilante known only as The Bat. Can Commissioner Gordon solve the cases with the help of his prosecutor Harvey Dent and Dent's millionaire childhood chum Bruce Wayne?The Good: The greatest thing about Gotham by Gaslight is what it doesn't do. There are no Tesla or Lovecraft cameos. Nobody invents an airplane powered by a diamond. It is a realistic (relatively) style environment with people that act like people actually did back then (Guy in Bat costume excepted).Gotham by Gaslight also finds proper roles for Batman's Rogue gallery and his allies. Commissioner Gordon, Alfred the Butler, and Harvey Dent keep their old roles. While other's get to put on a new hat. Hugo Strange is a progressive doctor running a psychiatric hospital and Poison Ivy is a vaudeville stripper. The movie has Batman in the role of Sherlock Holmes with focus on detective work rather than Bat punching. Selina Kyle (Catwoman) takes the role similar to Sherlock's love interest Irene Adler and three Robins (Dick, Jason, and Tim) take a role similar to the Baker Street Irregulars. It is a lot of fun seeing well-known characters in their new roles. The movie handles this quite well.The Bad: Why is this an "R" rated film? There are some adult themes but neither Poison Ivy nor Selina Kyle shows any nudity despite some obvious story beats where it would have been expected. The violence is muted and the camera turns away from anything possible offensive. I have to think this us more of a marketing ploy (An Adult Batman Cartoon) rather than a reflection of the material. If you are going for an "R" rating and your story is about a serial killer that murders prostitutes it is not as if there is no material to work with.In Conclusion: A Sherlock Holmes mystery with a Batman dressing. It is a good mystery that will keep one guessing. Characters are well written and voiced with Selina Kyle and Harvey Dent being standouts. Overplayed Victorian elements (see above) and overplayed Batman elements (Joker) are nowhere to be found. A good family film despite the "R" rating and an excellent treat for fans of the bat.
  • Another striking success for the DC Animated Universe, Batman: Gotham By Gaslight is a dark, fun, and unpredictable mystery that is a welcome entry to a predictably excellent series.
  • Ok batman animated movie.
  • different to the book but a great watch.
  • This has an excellent story and a great cast.
  • Love this movie so much, very good and well ballanced movie, another great film of batman