In this groundbreaking anime adaptation of the legendary Batman franchise, Gotham City is swapped out for feudal Japan, where Batman fights his infamous foes as an armored ninja. With Catwoman, Two-Face and the Joker all showing up to battle the Bat, will Bruce Wayne be able to save the day?
Junpei Mizusaki
DC Comics
Leo Chu, Eric Garcia, Kazuki Nakashima
- Batman Ninja was a good movie, this time we have an anime style Batman adaptation, some may think it sounds odd and worrying of an anime version of Batman, but this was actually pretty well done.We get a lot of different things from Batman Ninja such as different animation, character designs, art styles and voice actors comparing it to other Batman animated movies. It sounded worrying at first when hearing the different voices but some of them are pretty decent.This movie while it does have a good story, some moments are either way too short or too long and a little bit boring. The character designs while are odd at first, they are very good later once you get used to them, the cast is a bit of a mix for me as some actors are good for what characters they play like Roger Craig Smith as Batman and Tara Strong as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, however I'm not a fan of Tony Hale as the Joker, I'd prefer the Joker if he was voice by Mark Hamill instead.The music is pretty solid as I love how atmospheric the music is, I'd say the forgettable tracks are in the slow moments but thankfully not all of the slow moments are forgettable in terms of the music.The animation is really great, I've never seen an animated movie like this where it's 3D but makes it look 2D, I've seen movies that have 3D backgrounds but the characters are drawn by hand, this time it's 3D but looks 2D, sometimes they change the style of some moments which is a plus for my standards. Action scenes are really action packed as I could really feel I was in the moments of each fight scene and chasing scenes and dodging attacks scenes.I wasn't too sure if there was any jokes, than again something related to Batman isn't usually meant to be funny but more of an action packed story, but I felt like some moments were pushing for a laugh from me.Overall Batman Ninja was a good movie, while there is some parts about this movie that could've been fixed, this was still a pretty enjoyable movie. I'd recommend this to anyone who is a fan of action animes, fans of Batman I'd say give it at least one viewing, animation fans it's a must watch for how great the animation is.I give Batman Ninja a 7.5 out of 10 a pretty good movie but it could've had some fixing up in some places and maybe a little bit longer with most scenes, heck make it a 2 hour movie instead 1 and a half hour long.Reply
- Absolutely glorious.Take everything you like about Batman and combine it with elements of the greatest Japanese anime such as One Piece, Gundam and Naruto and you get Japan's greatest tribute to the Dark Knight.This has to be the most visually impressive comic book superhero movie ever created.Reply
- An over the top crazy action packed blend of Japanese anime and DC Batman universe to bring you a beautifully animated masterpiece.Reply
- It's not only the Batman, but a group of iconic figures we've known for such a long time. Iconic meaning that I can imagine a lot of the die-hard fans won't like what's been done in this movie. It's set up far away from Gotham, using horses instead of the Bat Mobile. On the other hand: it's the iconic cast doing what the iconic cast is best at for years now. For me it was kind of a mixed bag. I simply LOVED the visuals! Although it's based on DC-characters, the movie was made by a team of dedicated animators from Japan. It's probably the best anime I've ever seen, sheer enjoyment and simply a work of art. I loved the use of color, the animation almost be pencip-drawn and halfway through the movie there's a scene in which the animation looks like wash drawing paintings. It's all very tasteful and a joy to watch! Batman, however, did a lot of things that didn't really make me think I was watching "the world's greatest detective.' The story is a bit farfetched and the last 30 minutes and the end-fight... well, look for yourself. I still would recommend this movie because of its stunning visuals, but I feel a lot more could have been done with the plot.Reply
- In my opinion only. I didn't care for the voice of the joker. Thought that could have been way better. Along with the writing I thought the jokes were a little corny and wasn't too great. All in all a ok movie. But I thought it would be better then it was.Reply
- As batshit crazy of a film this is, it turns out to be quite a fun ride as long as you take it for what it is. I actually wanted it to be longer to flesh out the story a little better, but the Joker is top notch.Reply
- It's a perfectly cromulent Batman movie. It really seems like people who gave it negative reviews are upset because it's atypical for Batman, or perhaps they don't enjoy the over-the-top anime indulgences. It's not a psychological thriller that delves into Batman's psyche or anything... It's a goofy movie where all of the Batman heroes and villains are thrown back in time and a bunch of insane things happen. The animation looks great, the story is... followable... and it continually ramps up until the finale. It's a blast.Reply
- A new different take on the Batman story. In my opinion, it can't be compared to any other animations set in the DC's universe. Good movie if you have an opened mind. The story could be a bit better, but I do like the inclusion of other criminals than joker.Reply
- Pretty nice Boy BABY I WANT YOU TO KNOW there is a house on fire. I don't want to go Mr.Stark. Get this man a shield. I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora? I am Steve Rogers. Wong, you're invited to my wedding. Oh, what master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?Reply
- Batmanime? What the heck is this? It had beautiful animation but made no sense. About as broken apart and silly as possible. An interesting concept wasted, as per standard with DC stuff these days. Just make it an elseworld movie of some kind, not a time travel crazy fest.Reply