Animated antics of the constantly grousing Griffins, a family that put some fun in dysfunctional. While dad Peter is a tad dim and lazy, mum Lois is none of the above. Then there are hapless teens Meg and Chris; sassy baby Stewie, who's wise (and a wise guy) beyond his years; and family dog Brian, who might be the smartest of the lot.
- I wouldn't say "Send in Stewie" ever brushes up against anything truly profound, but I found it mostly intriguing until it finally, brutally undercut itself with that unpleasant ending.Reply
- At least for a brief moment, "Send In Stewie, Please" is a quick glimpse into what this show could still be if it really, truly tried.Reply
- Family Guy is always going to be Family Guy. It's crude and rude and funny as hell. It says the things we all wish we could say, but don't. That's what makes it so great.Reply