Zama, an officer of the Spanish Crown born in South America, waits for a letter from the King granting him a transfer from the town in which he is stagnating, to a better place. His situation is delicate. He must ensure that nothing overshadows his transfer. He is forced to accept submissively every task entrusted to him by successive Governors who come and go as he stays behind. The years go by and the letter from the King never arrives. When Zama notices everything is lost, he joins a party of soldiers that go after a dangerous bandit.
Lucrecia Martel
Strand Releasing
Lucrecia Martel
  • overall I liked the point of view , and the visual artistry. This was a very well drawn period piece that gets to the core issues of the times and not the clichés in the manner of True Grit as an example. Towards the end the "nice guys finish last" punishment of the protagonist begin to become a bit tiresome. The filmmaker deserves great credit for bringing such a realistic historical portrait to life.
  • This film is the best return we can give to Europe for the colonization to which we were subjected in America. It portrays the decadence of that domain in all its extension.
  • Hipnotizante direcciòn especialmente en las escenas donde se muestra la naturaleza.
  • Quirky piece of work, unique and visually pleasing. Critical of colonialism. Frustrating agony of absurd waiting almost feels real. Entertaining factor...not many points here..
  • Es una película muy buena pese a lo lenta que se puede tornar. Lucrecia Martel ve al sonido igual de importante que a la imágen y lo plasma excelentemente en este filme, donde cada plano está hiper cuidado, pero también cada susurro, sonido ambiente y música de fondo. La película se llama "Zama" porque se centra en Zama, no nos cuenta una historia construida como solemos ver (Introducción-nudo-desenlace), sino que nos muestra la vida de Zama siendo este personaje y su desarrollo el eje central de la historia. Si vas a verla, no busques algo digerido y sencillo que te dejará satisfecho al salir del cine, mejor disfrutala como una poesía o una melodía orquestal: dejate llevar.