This historical drama from Susanna White focuses on the story of Caroline Weldon, a 19th-century portrait painter from New York, who travels to Dakota to paint a portrait of Sitting Bull. Starring Jessica Chastain and Michael Greyeyes.
R (for brief violence and language)
Susanna White
- An imperfect, but enjoyable previously untold story of the Wild American West. Jessica Chastain can do no wrong.Reply
- Woman Walks Ahead might have its imperfections, but if you are attentive, you'll find it can be rewarding.Reply
- While some have argued Woman Walks Ahead is a white savior movie, the sorrowful awareness of the film is that it knows all too well about its privilege, and the pain such good intentions can still inflict from 1890 to 2018.Reply
- Steven Knight's script veers dangerously close to white-savior territory, but the complexity of the native characters is commendable, and the performances are first-rate.Reply
- Well-crafted, ably told and manages to connect with its earnest good intentions and desire to please.Reply
- As white savior stories go, it's still progress to find one that lives up to such a feminist title as this.Reply