7.2 Wolf
Drama, Documentary, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense
Maj-id is a talented kick boxer from a gray, anonymous suburb in The Netherlands. As his fighting prowess brings him increasing notoriety in-and outside the ring, the worlds of kickboxing and organized crime begin to blur into each another and Maj id begins to lose sight of what it is he really wants.
Jim Taihuttu
Jim Taihuttu
  • A whole film of unlikeable people, but not an unlikeable film
  • Decent Dutch Drama with a great lead
  • Dura historia, mucho drama, interesante igualmente.
  • Like many saying this must be the best ever Dutch movie. At least from the list I have seen so far. The movie surprised me from the every corner with the great cast and powerful performances. Made me to think like I am on a right movie at a right time. Yeah, the subject was quite a strong as the title indicates, though it was not that brutal yet enjoyable. A movie that depicts the social lives of the different ethical groups who endeavor power to rule and to lead sustainable lives. It was a crime-cum-sport-drama, but took all the time to build a better platform for the last quarter of the movie. In the initial hour the story was well developed with fine characters and leaves nothing behind you to carry a bag of doubts. The boxing concept would have not been a necessary, though politely blended into the mainstream story just like the Korean movie 'Punch'. The main character Majid was good. This is the character that encounters everything in the story like emotions and conflicts in his unpleasant life. When his family and romantic life was not arranged properly, he got a slot to rewrite his social life and he has to act tough regarding the approach he chose. The tale of his gang was quite predictable, especially the twist that coming from that way was as expected. Then what makes this movie so special? Well, all together like a multi-face of a character that reshapes according to the situation was displayed precisely. Not only the actors, but praisable job was done by the writer and the director. This underworld and multi-cultural story is definitely not for everyone for many reasons. This could be a perfect entertainer if you take lightly everything you going to see. Overall one of a better movie of the year from this geographical region.
  • Del putas!!! Wolf (2013) es una digna heredera visual y argumental de la maravillosa La Haine (1995) - - Es un filme bien construido y con un argumento bastante sólido que permite engancharse en la historia desde la primera secuencia, que resulta bastante divertida al situarse con un par de tipos que nadie creería la clase de delincuentes que son. Una película de maleantes con mucho carisma. Brutal!!.
  • Easy to get into - you are forgetting that you are watching a film. Many great scenes, some individual stand-outs - including the opener, but all over wonderfully told on screen.Lovely shot - a black and white treat. A great and suspence score, the sound is also brilliant.The story goes on very nicely. Some flaws and weird turns tries to kill it, and it seem a bit unbelieveable at times. Still it works all right and this is an impressive Dutch film, one of the best from the Benelux-countries the last couple of years.For me this is a mixture of "Rundskop", "Rust And Bone" and "Le Haine", It's also close to Noer's "Nordwest" now in a slightly south western setting.A great action-filled drama film that will keep you interested from the very first minute until the last.8.5 out of 10 barfs.
  • Wolf is one of the big discoveries of 2013. A revelation at the San Sebastian filmfestival where it won the youth jury award, Wolf features a raw story in the underworld of Amsterdam with wonderful black & white cinematography. The Netherlands now have their own 'La Haine'.
  • It reminds me Mathieu Kassovitz's LA HAINE- Same social outcast story, same B/W technique. That said, the movie is not original at all. Solid though.
  • Those who aren't completely turned off by [the lead character] might find themselves increasingly drawn into his story.
  • It may spend more time paying homage to classics than finding its own voice, but Wolf picks and chooses its influences very well indeed.
  • Its intrigues, its graphic violence and Mr. Kenzari's performance make for a worthy addition to the annals of gangster films, Interpol edition.
  • It's refreshing that director Jim Taihuttu is more interested in the humdrum goings on of those who split their time between illegal and legitimate activities.