A London gangster goes to war with his oldest friend following a terrible betrayal in this gritty crime drama. Tom Sheridan (Ian Pirie) is an ex-boxer who has risen up through the underworld, and now owns a thriving strip club in the heart of the city. When Tom's longtime friend and colleague Ian (Michael Mckell) asks to use the club for a private party, the request is granted without question. When Tom learns that the party involves child prostitution and pedophilia, however, his intense disgust leads him to compile damning evidence against his Ian and his depraved associates. Upon learning of Tom's plot, Ian vows to do anything and everything in his power to silence his former ally. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Peter Stylianou
FilmWorks Entertainment
Peter Stylianou, Peter Stylianou
  • "Fackin' hell!" Yep, it's a Cockney gangster flick but have no fear, this ones quite decent. A series of intertwining vignettes and multiple flashbacks weave the story of betrayal, revenge and a dark sordid secret involving two old friends, think part 'Pulp Fiction' narrative, with Guy Ritchie black comedy and 'Lock Stock' gangsters, wide boys and low lives. The star of the show is undoubtedly Kris Johnson as psychopath Chris, one of the scariest movie characters put on the screen for some time, and the type of low life you know exists in 21st Century Britain. Bloody, brutal, and recommended
  • Cult movie in the making...
  • It's a promising feature debut for Stylianou; let's hope he explores fresher territory next time.