VEERE DI WEDDING is a high spirited and upbeat coming of age story revolving around the lives of four childhood friends Kalindi (Kareena Kapoor), Avni (Sonam kapoor), Meera (ShikhaTalsania) & Sakshi (Swara Bhaskar). Ten years later when these four best friends reunite, they don't realize how much life has changed from what they expected. The film is set against the backdrop of Delhi, where the girls are born and brought up, their trials and tribulations in modern day world, regarding family acceptance, marriage & societal perceptions.
Shashanka Ghosh
ZEE Studios International
Nidhi Mehra, Mehul Suri
- Veere Di Wedding has the humour and pizzazz down pat. Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania get all the best dialogue because they are not saddled with emotional tracks like the other two leading ladies.Reply
- Director Shashanka Ghosh has managed to develop the right chemistry between his four leads and that's the film's greatest strengthReply
- Veere Di Wedding delivers on its initial promise: it is a fun, feisty and slightly ribald comedy but with a tender heart lurking not far beneath.Reply
- While this film isn't going to make you any wiser in love or life, Veere Di Wedding will go down as an engaging film that doesn't hurt the eye.Reply
- What makes Veere Di Wedding a unique prospect is that here the pack of performers, is led by four ladies who make their choices, stand by them and have the guts to live their life the they want.Reply