The traditional horror anthology makes a triumphant comeback in this collection of four frightfully horrific tales from directors Monte Hellman, Ken Russell, Sean S. Cunningham, John Gaeta, and Joe Dante. When seven strangers accept a mysterious invitation to tour a Hollywood studio lot, they become trapped in a room and discover that their only hope for escape is to reveal the most terrifying tale they know.
Joe Dante, Ken Russell, Sean S. Cunningham, Monte Hellman, John Gaeta
Asmik Ace Entertainment
Dennis Bartok
  • A pretty good horror anthology :)
  • An anthology of four horror tales...not so bad.
  • A thoroughly entertaining and twisted if somewhat derivative horror anthology film, Trapped Ashes features an interesting assortment of directors for its five segments: Joe Dante (Piranha), Sean S. Cunningham (Friday the 13th), Joe Gaeta (visual effects on The Matrix films), Monte Hellman (Two-Lane Bricktop), and Ken Russell (The Devils, Altered States, Tommy, etc.). Brutal, crazy, erotic, and always surprising, Trapped Ashes features one story after another that blends sex and horror into an awesomely entertaining mixture that may be derivative of a certain other classic horror omnibus film but is nonetheless enjoyable.
  • An ok omnibus with a clear concept. Only segments worth watching are ones by Ken Russel and Monte Hellman, and the only segment you can learn something about film is the one by Hellman.
  • Boring, Bad Acting, Poorly Filmed, this film just isn't that great. There's not one thing that caught my attention, not one. I didn't really like this film, and thought some parts were just..too..."fake." Skip it!
  • Monte Hellman's tribute short to Stanley Kubrick makes this throwaway project worth a look.
  • The baby does not appear to have been well received. Whats not to like? Its daft, its gory, its got John Saxon in it! The first tale in this anthology is rather dodgy with its man-chomping titty implants however the rest works well and keeps you going with a nice, if obvious, twist at the end. Cheap and kinda awful it's a delight for the watch-anything-horror fan.
  • Four short stories, nothing gory or scary, but very twisted and weird stories. And indeed very interesting and original. At times it can get a bit slow. But it was still entertaining to watch.
  • Sort of like an adult version of Tales from the Dark Side
  • Weird movie. Very strange. Its suppose to be scary but yet it was very disturbing. It was like porn. The first story is about zombie tits. Thats not creepy, thats just funny.
  • Two words: Vampire tits. That is all.
  • I really enjoyed it for a bad horror movie. I didn't get the ending at all I'm gonna have to watch it again but it was pretty sick and twisted.
  • This is a pretty funky anthology film. OK stories, fair cast - it's always good to see John Saxon on screen but I could've done without the contribution of Ken Russell. Simply because I dislike him in every way.
  • I love the Japanese one and OMG, I saw Luke Macfarlane in the 4th story!
  • Woa. Talk about some twisted crap. A handful of interesting ideas, but also several scenes which had me wanting to puke (an uncommon thing for me). I guess some people enjoy movies with vampire breasts and molesting tape worms...but not this guy.