The story of a family whose three same-aged siblings struggle in unique ways throughout their lives is chronicled in this dramedy.
- This Is Us isn't a particularly good television show, but it's an excellent pressure release valve. And couldn't you use a pressure release valve?Reply
- When you add butter, food tastes good. This Is Us makes people cry, even me, and, as far as I'm concerned, that's serving a public purpose.Reply
- This Is Us is really about consequences, cause and effect and how one seemingly small moment can make a lifetime of an impact. The fact that it's so popular, emotional or relatable will turn some people off, but I say take the show for what it is.Reply
- This trilogy of episodes are artfully done. They overlap neatly and effectively convey the writers' overarching message that, at any given moment, each member of a family is going through his or her own mess, oblivious to the other person's mess.Reply
- The show is not afraid to explore the unique experience of plus-sized people, but with Kate, they haven't built a character made up of stereotypes and tropes, either.Reply
- Overall, the season premiere didn't leave me crying (sorry, tissues). However, the ending was jaw-dropping and dramatic that I now have so many questions as to what happened to Jack and what caused his death.Reply
- Surrounded by a sea of extraordinary characters on cable, This Is Us presents us with regular - in fact, almost aggressively regular - people.Reply
- This Is Us works on different levels because of the writing, acting, and directing. Race, gender roles, and body image issues are interwoven into the storyline.Reply
- It's happening -- the night of Jack's death. For those who thought seeing a glimpse of his funeral was bad, this was tenfold.Reply
- I highly recommend This is Us to those who like their romance stories a bit darker and less optimistic than the usual fluff.Reply
- This is Us is not quite perfectly imperfect as the show returns for its sophomore season, but it remains a compelling watch.Reply
- ... the same strong, consistent and emotionally devastating format that it honed so well in Season 1.Reply