Based on his a true story, THE RIDER stars breakout Brady Jandreau as a once rising star of the rodeo circuit warned that his competition days are over after a tragic riding accident. Back home, Brady finds himself wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his fate, Brady undertakes a search for new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.
R (for language and drug use)
Chloé Zhao
Sony Pictures Classics
Chloé Zhao
  • Devastatingly life affirming coming-of-age film. Exceptional for many reasons. Gives authenticity and real meaning to the oft-misused word "touching" and uplifting.
  • This is an unbelievable film on a vanishing way of life and what it means to be a man.
  • This is a movie that will stay with you and dig deep into your soul. Beautifully done, from the casting, direction, editing, sound, performance. Be patient when you see this and you will be rewarded with unforgettable movie experience.
  • Fantastic movie. The director uses images and sparse dialogue to tell a personal, moving, real tale - just the opposite of the Hollywood action flicks that use explosions, frenetic images, special effects, the same ol' actors we've seen way too often, and too much dialogue to "spoon feed" the audience some fantasy that has no place in the real world. There's good reason that the film has won so many awards and accolades.
  • Amazing movie. The director is so good. based on a true story. The main characters are the real people, not actors. If they have been actors, I would have given this five stars. Perhaps a little slow, but if people can make their own stories into movies this good, why do we even have a hollywood?
  • Emotional, but with non-professional actors, which brought me out of it sometimes. The big thing is that it made me think a lot about the first crazy human to ever ride a horse.
  • Marvelous... As real as the raven's cry and the marrow in broken bone. See it.
  • Between a 8/10 and 9/10, With its slow pace that subtly builds tension, its breathtaking camera work and its heartbreaking-yet-life-affirming view of a world unfamiliar to most of us, "The Rider" swept me away.
  • Provided a raw and emotional look at a world I am totally unfamiliar with. Aside from an excellent lead (Brady Jandreau), which I knew going in was played by the real life subject, I especially thought the father did an excellent job. I was then, even more surprised to find out, that that was the Jandreu family (father, son, daughter) in the movie.
  • A largely unoriginal storyline is held up by the director's deep focus on the characters themselves. It's not at all harmed by some beautiful camerawork, either. I'm not usually a fan of the "non-professional actors" gimmick, but I have to admit that it does help keep this story down to earth, where it really, really needs to be.
  • Brilliant one of a kind masterpiece. Don't miss on the big screen.
  • This is not a feel-good film, and that's why it works so well. Aspirations, heartbreak, desperation, realization and acceptance are all part of the mix in this spare, but extremely well-crafted film. It's raw, real, poignant and very satisfying. At times it drags, and it's a film that doesn't focus at all on the cruelties of bronco busting and bull riding on the animals, but it does paint a very effective portrait of a life few of us know.
  • So astonishingly beautiful. Maybe the purest piece of cinema I've ever experienced. A remarkable achievement.
  • Chloe Zhao's amazing use of first-time actors (in particular, Brady Jandreau) enhances this slice-of-life drama.
  • Subtely moving. Stunning landscape scenes. Each actor.....or non-actor.....barred their luves...emotions.....silence and tears are the only responses.