This drama tells the story of the onset of the HIV-AIDS crisis in New York City in the early 1980s, taking an unflinching look at the nation's sexual politics as gay activists and their allies in the medical community fight to expose the truth about the burgeoning epidemic to a city and nation in denial. -- (C) HBO
Ryan Murphy
HBO Films
Larry Kramer
  • The Story Seems Now Unbelievable With The Benefit Hindsight. But Given It Is Written As A True Story, By A Man Whom Was There On The Ground, The Content Is Hard To Ignore. It Reveals How Poorly Prepared Ideals Of Hygiene & Ignorant Human Bias Band Together To Create A Perfect Store Of Hate, Oppression & Deception. While Slow & Methodical In It's Telling, There Is Much To Be Taken Away About The Human Condition, Loss & Love, Bureaucratic Face-Saving & Finally, Community Building In The Bitter Winds Of Death & Adversity. It Most Definitely Was A War Of Understanding.
  • This is an important film
  • beautiful & heart breaking movie
  • A fucking pivotal film that will change the way I viewmyself and the way I view the rest of the world. I will forever be more vigilant and make a conceited effort to not let ego get in the motherfucking way! What was I thinking?
  • A moving story well written with solid performances by the cast. Everyone needs to see this!
  • This adaptation by Larry Kramer from his 1985 autobiographical play is a heartrending fictionalised account of a gay community in New York City in the early 1980s racing against time to save themselves from an unheard-of "gay cancer" when the media, medical profession and the government turn a blind eye to their imminent annihilation.
  • Very good acting! Mark Ruffalo bothers me, though. He is so left wing and tilted, I have a hard time wanting to see his movies. I don't understand why people try to push their fringe biases into the mainstream, when the mainstream isn't with them at all. It is bothersome from the far right and far left. Get a grip 3 level standard deviation folks. You don't fit in, so quit trying so hard and just be yourself in your own little world, okay??
  • This was a tough watch for a number of reasons
  • This movie is legit, it made my friend want to cry a bit (he was going to cry but then he only managed to watch it in segments) so in conclusion if he were to watch it whole he would cry!
  • With wonderful performances from an excellent cast, this extremely important, heartbreaking and infuriating drama exposes the revolting indifference and intolerance of American authorities in the early years of the AIDS epidemics - something that cost the lives of a lot of gays.
  • Great watch for cinegoers who want more out of their movies. it has an uneven pace and quite a lot of tearshed but if you stick with it, the reward would be all worth it. Rufallo's best role i have seen ever
  • Wonderful performances and an excellent cast...what a strong movie with an intriguing story!
  • Riveting and devastating.
  • Whyyyyy is no one listening to ussssssss
  • such a tear jerker . Very heavy subject matter but done so brilliantly . Get the tissues out.