The Neighbor follows a man who discovers a dark truth about his neighbor and the secrets hiding in his cellar.
Marcus Dunstan
Marcus Dunstan, Patrick Melton
  • It's been a little while since I've seen The Collector and The Collection but they had a very distinct style, much like this film. Stewart reteams with the same team as those films for a standard type of thriller that unfortunately feels too pedestrian for the filmmakers. The style is very similar to the collector film series and much in the style of the saw films, but that is the weakness here. The stakes aren't high enough and the short running time leaves characters without a lot to play with. I had only watched Don't Breathe recently and that film raised the stakes of the neighbor hiding something sinister and this film has nothing new to add. The film isn't a failure but it needed to raise stakes and put a twist on a worn genre. The final confrontation is good and the film needed to have more time in this style of tension to succeed. 10-06-2017.
  • This does not disappoint. While it does recycle a few elements from The Collector films, this outing ends up being completely it's own thing by the end. The twists come hard and fast once the ball finally drops, and it has a thick tension at times. It's not quite as bloody or brutal as The Collector films, but manages to be intense in other ways. Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton continue to be filmmakers to keep an eye on.
  • Watched this last night and actually enjoyed it. I'd say it's at the higher end of the B scale; I found it compelling at certain points and would watch it again in the future. It had a healthy amount of intrigue and suspense.
  • downright eerie and extremely well-paced. feels disturbing but ultimately wasn't as ultraviolent as its grindhouse style of directing might imply to discerning horror fans. still recommended for its visual pleasure alone
  • This was p good and I really appreciate all the women in this.
  • Josh Stewart and Bill Engvall (yes, that Bill Engvall, in a surprising, and yet convincingly really tough bad guy role) turn in wonderful performances in this nail biting thriller. Shot on what looked to be a pretty small budget, the filmmakers deliver the goods as well as seemingly possible, and we're given an intense film as a result.
  • I guess this completes Marcus Dunstan & Josh Stewart "house of terror" trilogy...a plain good old fashion suspense flick...
  • I loved this film. It was typical to the its sub-genre but it was typically great. A must see for hardcore horror fans.
  • A good thriller in the grindhouse style.
  • Voyeurism has never been so fun. This is an excellent, low budget horror movie. It is expertly directed and well-acted by the 3 leads. The cinematography is great and the soundtrack is awesome. The soundtrack drives the erie, suspenseful mood with a force. The movie is well paced with good tension. I like the plot, but don't expect some smart complicated plot. It's not gory and does not rely on torture porn or jump scares. It relies more on simple, effective suspense and menace. Overall this movie is definitely worth renting. I thought it would have been good enough for a theater release. It's certainly on par with other good current horror/thrillers like Don't Breathe, and I actually liked this one better. Check it out - you'll enjoy it if you like these types of movies.
  • Really solid little movie here. Fits some solid storytelling into an 80 minute runtime. Much more thriller than horror, I was pleasantly surprised. A little bit of subpar acting was more than made up for by the leads, and Bill Engvall was impressive.
  • A meaty stew of likeable leads, hard-kicking suspense and air-punching action
  • The Neighbour offers a collection of tense, increasingly improbable thrills, accompanied by uncomfortable moral alignments in a world where everyone is marginalised and nobody can afford to obey the law.
  • Overall, The Neighbour treads familiar ground well, so can be forgiven the occasional slip - after all, one never knows what might be underfoot.
  • This rough and raw thriller is reminiscent of the sort of pleasingly tawdry fare they used to show at drive-in cinemas and grindhouses back in the day, in a good way.