This drama series exposes the increasing danger of Al-Qaeda in the late 1990s, focusing on how the clash between the FBI and CIA might have accidentally cleared the path for the disaster that was 9/11 and, subsequently, the war in Iraq. John O'Neill (Jeff Daniels), part of the counter-terrorism division of the FBI, must deal with the insufficient help from their colleagues in the CIA – including their combative leader, Martin Schmidt (Peter Sarsgaard). Both groups travel the globe, clashing over the ownership of data while they are supposedly trying to achieve the same goal: keeping the country safe.
- Watching The Looming Tower, you're right back at that point in history, watching it all tumble down again struggling to understand how and why it happened.Reply
- This miniseries is an accurate, informative, and somewhat shocking retelling of actual events in American history that's as entertaining as it is jaw-dropping to those who couldn't read through the transcripts of the 9/11 Commission Report.Reply
- On the evidence of the first episode, it is quite a gripping series, and there are two fantastic performances at its heart.Reply
- If you want to understand how the most important episode in modern history happened, this landmark series is the place to start.Reply
- The three episodes made available to critics are masterful and smart in how they use our knowledge of what happened on 9/11 to supply retroactive suspense to the events of the late 1990s.Reply
- Anchored by strong performances by Daniels, Sarsgaard, and Rahim, The Looming Tower turns an unflinching eye on its subject matter, making neither pristine heroes of its American protagonists nor two-dimensional villains of its antagonists.Reply
- As a story with something to say, it falters. Luckily, the caliber of the people involved keeps it from falling...when The Looming Tower does reach equilibrium, it's a gorgeous piece of work.Reply
- ... The Looming Tower is a taut, tense restaging of the internecine squabbles between the FBI and the CIA in the lead-up to 9/11.Reply
- I'm such fan of Alex Gibney's many documentaries, it's no surprise that his adaptation of Lawrence Wright's "The Looming Tower" (Hulu, streaming) would have a similar, immediate impact.Reply
- The Looming Tower, despite its high stakes and its ostensibly true story (though many details have been changed), is a cop show. A really well-done cop show, admittedly, but a cop show. And more power to it.Reply
- It's a bitter history lesson, artfully delivered at a time when we're still coping with the aftermath.Reply