In this gothic horror tale, a family curse confines orphaned twins Rachel (Charlotte Vega) and Edward (Bill Milner) to their home as punishment for their ancestors' sins. Bound to the rules of a haunting childhood lullaby, the twins must never let any outsiders inside the house, must be in their rooms by the chime of midnight, and must never be separated from one another. Breaking any of these three rules will incur the wrath of a sinister presence that inhabits the house after midnight. While Edward is committed to this ill-fated life, he's becoming more unhinged due to the fact that Rachel is not. Smitten by a local soldier (Eugene Simon), Rachel grows skeptical and begins to rebel, desperate to escape the oppression and misery of their captivity.
R (for some violence, sexuality and nudity)
Brian O'Malley
Epic Pictures
David Turpin
- A very impressive gothic chiller. Very atmospheric, beautiful, eerie and unnerving. Superb central performance from Charlotte VegaReply
- Without spoilers, The Lodgers overall takes a format that I have seen a lot in the past couple of years, it's a schematic that I was never the biggest fan of in the first place, and The Lodgers certainly is not the best of the bunch that have approached this sort of material in recent times.Reply
- It's a haunting movie. It draws the viewer in, and mixes fear and suspense. It's not the typical horror film that just looks for shock and awe. The movie is well made, and the acting is superb.Reply
- Although Charlotte Vega does a pretty good job, Bill Milner's acting was a bit off at times, even funny on a couple of occasions. "The Lodgers" has an interesting premise but fails to develop it further thus ultimately falling short of being engaging & entertaining. The film tries to take a dive into the gothic nature of the 20th Century but at the end it just scratches the surface.(Updated from 02/03/2018)Reply
- I was engrossed in this movie from the beginning. The beautiful visuals grabbed me right away but I was kept by the performances, particularly Charlotte Vega's. The film moves at a pace that allows its elements to be absorbed by the viewer.Reply
- It's a good gothic horror film. Beautiful shots of the derelict mansion, costumes were on point, plot was surprising, and the actors were fantastic. If you're a fan of Game of Thrones, you'll be pleasantly surprised by some of the cast members and the oddly familiar characters they play. Bill Milner from i-Boy plays the creepy brother Edward, and delivered the creepiest creepy brother since Michael Myers. This movie is one of those that may not have had as big of a buzz in the USA as say "the woman in black (2012)" or "the others (2001)" but it has everything else, from the big name cast, the film quality, the costumes, the overall feel of a great gothic horror movie. Definitely watch it.Reply
- A beautiful and haunting piece of gothic horror with captivating visuals and performances.Reply
- Really liked this film. Great performances, really creepy, and amazing cinematography. Definitely worth checking out if you are a fan of gothic horror.Reply
- Nice Gothic atmosphere, but something about it just does not quite work. Still worth taking a look at if you are in a gothic moodReply
- The atmosphere is perfection - right down to the William Morris wallpaper. Maximum creepiness in the perfect gothic setting. Plus - the outside settings are bee you tee fulReply
- The Lodgers is a beautifully crafted gothic tale. A slow atmospheric film with some incredible cinematography and solid performances from a great cast.Reply