4.8 The Hurricane Heist
Drama, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense
Under the threat of a hurricane, opportunistic criminals infiltrate a US Mint facility to steal $600 million for the ultimate heist. When the hurricane blows up into a lethal CATEGORY 5 storm and their well-made plans go awry, they find themselves needing a vault code known only by one Treasury Agent (Maggie Grace), a need that turns murderous. But the Treasury agent has picked up an unlikely ally, a meteorologist (Toby Kebbell) terrified of hurricanes but determined to save his estranged brother kidnapped by the thieves. He uses his knowledge of the storm as a weapon to win in this non-stop action thriller ride charged with adrenaline throughout.
PG-13 (for sequences of gun violence, action, destruction, language and some suggestive material)
Rob Cohen
Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures
Jeff Dixon, Scott Windhauser
  • This was a really fun movie. If you look at the box art and think about the title, it is exactly what you think it would be. and that ain't too bad. I recommend watching it, especially now that it is out on BluRay.
  • This movie was great. I think it should get a better score.
  • Peolple just dont have taste seriously
  • The special effects and sound propel this one to a higher rating than what I would have normally given it. 4/5.
  • I didn't mind it but the amount of cgi and unbelievable outcomes ruined it for the most part. The guy who plays the villain in this movie, plays the villain in others, so that was old. The brother who owned the garage was originally in Home & Away (Aussie TV show) which whilst I appreciate he's moving on, didn't give it much cred.
  • This movie has a great title but falls short in all areas. it wants to be fast and the furious but it never really manages it. fun enough if you have nothing more to watch but there are better heist films out there.
  • Hurricane Heist is a typical guns-and-robbers film that is surprisingly entertaining even though the plot is rather ludicrous. Formulaic, and works. But forgettable.
  • I went in with really low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised. not as good as "twister", but not as bad as "Into the storm".
  • I absolutely LOVED it !! its had a believable story line and the CGI was great !!! I love apocalypse movies and this was EXCELLENT :)))
  • I liked it. Granted, you have to suspend a lot of disbelief, but it was a good action movie.
  • adventure action movie. if you want action.....see this movie. it you want anything else.....do not see this movie.
  • Classic country boys to the rescue type thriller. Good action from beginning to end, enough plot twists to keep you interested. Fun action movie worth a watch if you have a movie pass or when it comes to netflix/redbox.
  • A solid action film only held back by its PG-13 rating, shame we'll never know how great it could have been if the producers had the balls to go for an R.
  • Solid fun in this B rated heist movie that can't help but make you smile... all that's missing are the flying sharks.
  • Genre: Action AdventureSpecies: Shoot Em UpExamples: Too many to countMy friends dad used to refer to his handgun as " the difference". Personally I don't own a gun. In case you just woke up from a 20 year nap, the glass ceiling for female lead roles in action adventure films has long been shattered.. Witness "the difference" in Hurricane Heist. Maggie Grace plays a lead role in a traditional shoot em up with no apologies and does it well. Me ? I am not a fan of shoot em ups, but watching Maggie Grace pull it off ? Yeah, a sign of the times, and I'm good with that.