A forbidden passion awakens vengeful spirits within a haunted mansion in this bloodcurdling, erotic tour-de-force. Vietnam, 1953: Linh (Nhung Kate), a poor, orphaned young woman, finds employment as a housemaid in a crumbling rubber plantation presided over by the emotionally fragile French officer Sebastien Laurent (Jean-Michel Richaud). Soon, a torrid love affair develops between the two--a taboo romance that rouses the ghost of Laurent's dead wife, who won't rest until blood flows. Submerged in moody Gothic atmosphere, this stylish supernatural saga confronts the dark shadows of Vietnam's colonial past while delivering heart-stopping scares.
Derek Nguyen
IFC Films
Derek Nguyen
- The main story was good but I didn't like the zombie lookalike ghosts. It got me almost every 'boo' scene but other than them, it wasn't all that scary.Reply
- If you've been feeling a bit ho-hum about supernatural movies as of late, I'd recommend giving The Housemaid a try. It may just surprise you as much as it did this writer.Reply
- Writer-director Derek Nguyen's supernatural thriller settles confidently in a place between classy and trashy.Reply
- Although not particularly original in its recycling of familiar genre tropes, the stylish film should well satisfy horror aficionados while engaging more general audiences as well.Reply
- The Housemaid may not be as original as it pretends, but if you like haunted houses, creepy women in black, tragic romance, sinister secrets and dark and stormy nights, you'll find it very satisfying.Reply