SOLLERS POINT tells the story of Keith (McCaul Lombardi), a twenty-four-year-old newly released from prison and living with his father (Jim Belushi) under house arrest in Baltimore. Keith is struggling to reestablish himself, and break free of the bonds forged behind bars, within a community scarred by unemployment, neglect, and deeply entrenched segregation. His intentions are in the right place and he possesses an aggressive desire to get back on his feet, but as he taps into all his familiar resources, he finds that he may be reverting to his old ways.
R (for pervasive language, drug thematic material)
Matthew Porterfield
Oscilloscope Laboratories
Matthew Porterfield
  • Both raw and intimate with an extremely uninhibited feel, and although I found the main character infuriating at times, Lombardi did very well to create that feeling. Def some bias here based on the setting too...