"One Week" explores the motorcycle odyssey of a young man on an idiosyncratic quest for the meaning of life.
Michael McGowan
IFC Films
Michael McGowan
- Cheesy and cookie-cutter. Still put together well though and is probably the best Canada-appreciation movie out there.Reply
- I love this movie. The story, the feelings it evokes. It's well-written, and Joshua Jackson does an exceptional job. The landscape and the music alone make my heart swell, being Canadian as all-get-out. This is a movie that everyone should see, in my opinion.Reply
- this is one of the best movies I've ever seen it connects me to my country and gives me pride, I think this movie perfectly describes Canada and it's essenceReply
- Inspiring. This movie is not for everyone. This movie is for those who enjoy reflecting on life. Ben Tyler, who has been diagnosed with a type of stage four cancer, decides to hit the open road instead of seeking treatment. Along the way, he meets several people that help him reevaluate his relationship with his fiancée Samantha, his job and his dream of becoming a writer.Reply
- Between a 5/10 and 6/10, this Canadian road movie of self-discovery is kinda aimless, pleasant and bland.Reply
- A surprisingly pleasant road trip film using an old contraption of terminal sickness leading to examining life. The sights and sounds of Canada is also a bonus.Reply
- I enjoyed it largely because I want to travel across Canada myself. Inspirational, though very slow and bland at times.Reply
- Wow. What an amazing movie about life, death and the great landscape that makes up Canada. I cried throughout this movie. For what has been lost and what has been found and what will never be discovered. Joshua Jackson is just brilliant in this. He shows here that he is so much more than Pacey from Dawson's Creek. He is an actor to be reckoned with. At points in this movie, I had to remind myself that it was a film and not a true-life story I was watching. "IF you had one week...what book would you write?"Reply
- One Week is an interesting collage of scenes, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and oddities all trying to persuade meaning in life from acceptance of death. But I'm not sure that the sum is greater than the parts in this case. Jackson delivers a good performance and is the most interesting part of the film. But the voice over narration and cartoon like structure distracted me more often than not. Is this a farce or a tragedy? I kept asking myself. Sometimes trying to "sweeten the medicine" isn't the best approach. There's some great cinematography, production design and music. But at times it felt more like a midnight marathon of music videos. All in all, I'm glad I saw One Week, and I'll see how much of it sticks with me over time.Reply
- Although it's a self-described "Love Letter To Canada" by the Director, this isn't just about the landscape, there's a very real and very engaging plot about existential angst. Joshua Jackson is funny and poignant, and he needed to be because the movie is almost entirely him alone on the open road. If you're Canadian it's a MUST see, and if you're not I think the themes are universal enough for you to enjoy.Reply
- Such an underrated beauty of a movie! It was like the Canadian version of Into The Wild, which meant so much more to me, especially all the patriotic Canadian symbols in it, went straight to my heart :') I love the over-all of it, and also the message of continuing seeking your true self, but the story had its dents, which I think lacked the 5 stars for me. It's one of those movies that came at the right time =) Long live pure Canadian movies, more pleaseeee!Reply