Documentary that includes archive footage of a documentary made by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein about concentration camps.
André Singer
Spring Films Ltd.
Lynette Singer
- This should be required viewing. A surprisingly comprehensive and raw look at some of the unreleased footage filmed of the Holocaust as well as an overview of what the different film crew from the 3 major allied powers were doing when they discovered the camps.It's difficult to sit through and stands as a testament to what the ultimate end goal of hate and contempt of others leads to.Reply
- The single most informative movie about the holocaust that I've ever seen. It is so graphic you almost want to turn away but the truth is the reality. Watch it, then weigh the significance of Sean Spicer's asinine comments.Reply
- Exterminating atrocities were allowed to happen not because no one knew but because no one cared.Reply
- A painful documentary littered with footage taken from the many concentration camps in the 40'sReply
- I don't know what the tomato thing is about> Does it mean you don't like it? How would anybody think they should throw a tomato at the truth of what the nazi's did to millions of human beings. I guess people would pay more attention if it had been polar bears and other animal. You know the meat is murder crowd.Reply
- This has a different perspective then most holocaust docs. Its more about the people who found and recorded what happened after the fact then the actual event. Not much to be said other then if this is the kind of history subject you would be interested in then you will enjoy this.Reply
- Extremely disturbing footage of concentration camp liberation. Interesting they had the foresight to record the atrocities with a mind to prove this really occurred knowing people would deny it. It is amazing that Germans lived right next door to these camps and clearly utilized the fruits of the forced labor. So sad we could not help the refugees. Wish this was forcefully shown to all Germans after liberation.Reply
- Very graphic footages of concentration camp liberation. In an attempt to bring the vision of Hitchcock and Bernstein back. It has some interesting historical argument.Reply
- Completely overwhelming, disturbing, horrifying... My God. This was beyond description, to see what humans are capable of. Powerful and important to see and remember.Reply
- It's hard to imagine that after 70+ years since the Holocaust there is still information/footage for the world to discover. The footage in this movie is the most intense and disturbing I've ever seen. This is an incredibly important film.Reply