In this suspenseful drama, a wealthy but emotionally and mentally unstable widow is staring idly out her window one night when she thinks she sees a gory murder in the house across the street. Unfortunately, despite her panicked calls to the authorities, no one takes her seriously.
Brian G. Hutton
AVCO Embassy Pictures
Tony Williamson
- Kind of campy, overwrought and dated - yet also kind of good with a rather suspenseful ending. Liz Taylor is definitely in one of her more scene chewing modes, yet her performance is really effective through to the twisty ending. At just over 100 mins and if you've got time on your hands, worth a gander.Reply
- This english movie is an amazing proof of acting. Liz Taylor is fantastic and the story plot is good. I saw it many times and I think it is really good enough.Reply
- Lucille Fletcher's Night Watch isn't the first average stage play to be turned into a better than average film. Astute direction and an improved cast more than help.Reply