After one of her tribe sets an American camp ablaze, a young Mohawk warrior finds herself pursued by a contingent of military renegades set on revenge. Fleeing deep into the woods they call home, Oak and Calvin, along with their British companion Joshua, must now fight back against the bloodthirsty Colonel Holt and his soldiers - using every resource both real and supernatural that the winding forest can offer.
Ted Geoghegan
Dark Sky Films
Ted Geoghegan, Grady Hendrix
- Critics reviews right on the money. Very entertaining, powerful and true performances. Luke Harper! Whaat?Reply
- Very intense and atmospheric horror flick with a powerful message pertinent to today's global climateReply
- 'Mohawk', an interesting action movie with a supernatural twist, is just the sort of off-Hollywood fare that has made Dark Sky Films such a quality outfit over the years. The acting is decent, and the story is absorbing enough.Reply
- An intense and ruthless survival film with a focus on protagonists whose future is doomed, no matter what path they take.Reply
- [A] brutal, angry revenge thriller that takes a familiar format in new directions while wearing its wounded, political heart on its sleeve.Reply
- Disguised simply as a small-scale action horror film, Mohawk becomes a good focal point for something much larger than itself, which enables its flaws to be more readily overlooked.Reply
- These kinds of stories need to be told, not only because they ensure that we do not forget our past but also for our need to recognize the complicated nature of history.Reply
- With its politically charged themes of oppression and the genocide of Native Americans and the play on how history has been presented in the past, "Mohawk" is a fascinating and engaging tale of bloody revenge.Reply
- Has the same political urgency as Wes Craven's now-classic, but rough-around-the-edges early films, like Last House on the Left and The Hills Have Eyes.Reply
- It is a satisfying thriller but, for the most part, Mohawk wants to show us the hopelessness and cruelty of this conflict and this sorry chapter of American history.Reply
- "Mohawk" is a gripping and despairing action picture, about how we can't seem to stop trying to destroy those we distrust - including ourselves.Reply