A half-man, half-cyborg hero seeks the source of his mysterious origins while fighting to reclaim the planet from an infernal tyrant hell bent on destroying humanity. Years ago, a brave human soldier perished in the first war against Hell. Decades later he reawakens in a powerful new body of steel. But the forces of darkness have also reawakened, and now the nefarious Count Draculon is determined to snuff out all light in the universe. With an Australian renegade, a blade-wielding beauty, and a true martial arts master by his side, however, Manborg prepares to show Count Draculon that the human race isn't about to go down without a fight. Matthew Kennedy and Meredity Sweeney star in this post-apocalyptic action yarn from the folks who brought you Father's Day.
Steven Kostanski
Dark Sky Films
Steven Kostanski, Jeremy Gillespie
- Within the first few minutes of Manborg, I knew this would be a truly special gem totally worth the $3 I spent on it, and honestly, I wish I could pay more for it. This movie deserves any and all love it gets. It is an utter fever dream thrill ride through the nostalgia of over-the-top 80's movies with a healthy dose of absurd humor that left me and my girlfriend nearly crying with laughter. If you enjoy this, then I heartily recommend Kung Fury as well, which is completely free on YouTube. Have a nice day! - Jared.Reply
- Over the top, laughable acting and poor production but it was meant that way, and that's what I liked about it.Reply
- You have to take these type of movies for what they are, an homage to schlock cinema of the late 80's/early 90s, and to that extent the movie performs very well. There's lots of claymation and stop motion on display, and the whole film has a unusual frame rate that makes the whole thing seem like an early 90's multi media video game. Adding to the joy of this a great ammount of the voicework is dubbed, for no reason other than to do it, and very often the dubbed voices will seemingly not match the character at all. The story is passable, but it's not really a film about the story, so much as it is the pitch perfect parody.Reply
- DIY sci-fi on a micro-budget, this camp and crazy homage to '80s schlock movies raises plenty of chuckles due to its ridiculously over the top awfulness.(Cambridge B-movie Festival screening 23/0/815)Reply
- For lovers of cheesy schlock from the 80s, this little flick from Director Steven Kostanski shows just the kind of magic that can be created on a no budget picture thanks to some skill, knowledge, friends, and faithful.Now if only we could get that BioCop movie made... everything would be complete and world peace would be at hand... or we'd just have yet another awesome flick from Mr. Kostanski to add to our collections. Manborg is full of so many things I love, stop motion animation, cheesy one liners, a bat shit crazy story, references to old school movies from the days of VHS, and really bad humour.As low end as Manborg is with it's high end youtube level visuals from the top of the cheese scale (there is a scale right?) it is truly enjoyable. If it was taking itself seriously, the film would be right up there in the SOBIG masterpieces but since it is tongue in cheek homage to films that might be considered SOBIG, it actually manages to rank itself among the great scifi films such as Star Wars, Robocop, Terminator, Alien, Species, and Eliminators. So sit back and enjoy this scifi masterpiece but make sure to stay to the end of the credits to watch the even better... BIO-COP!Reply
- Steven Kostanski does so much with the most of minimalist budgets (around CA$1,000) to present a highly imaginative and cartoonish futuristic action caper. 'Manborg' is also quite funny, though perhaps unintentionally so, as it is appallingly acted and features dialogue straight from the cliché handbook. (Sample lines: 'It's never too late to be the hero.' and 'Hey, bro. It's me, your brother.' Enough said.) Featuring excellent make-up and costumes, this is an overall enjoyable experience; it has the potential to be adapted into a big budget Hollywood blockbuster or an animated epic by a Japanese studio. That Kostanski does not appear to have been approached by either is the most disappointing result of this commendable exercise.Reply
- A fantastically so-bad-it's-awesome homage-parody of everything you love (or love to hate) about '80s B-movies with some of the most ridiculous dialogue you'll ever hear and Clash of the Titans-level claymation skillz.Reply
- The whole movie feels like you are watching an FMV sequence of a bad 3DO game. I think this would have been better as a game than a movie but it's got it's moments.Reply
- I am not embarrassed to admit that I absolutely love this movie. It's cheap and it's cheezy (I know that is not how you spell "cheesy" but we're talking movies and not food here), and it's over the top in all the ways a good movie shouldn't be. But you know what? It's supposed to be. And it's also ridiculously funny, and being ridiculously funny is a pretty hard thing to do.If you watch Manborg hoping for a slick science fiction/action movie only then you most likely will not like it. But if you watch Manborg with the knowledge that tit was made to be the way it is, have an open mind, a quirky sense of humour and you can appreciate the fact that they did all this for something like a thousand dollars or so then I think you 'll understand why I gave this film 4 stars.Reply
- Decidedly lo-fi and thoroughly tongue in cheek, this film is well worth a look and has some real laughs in there, plus the commitment to the green screened visuals is really well thought out and executed.Well worth a rental.Reply
- This is a treat if you like a good low budget, but giving all it got B-movie :)I enjoyed it very much, even though the story is not all that, the humor, the characters, the quirky love thing and the big monsters and fights, it is all fun and games and makes it very enjoyable and entertaining.I don't think all will like it, you have to be into this b-movie genre, low budget effects, really 80th thing.It is kind of a very old arcade game, loved it :)Reply