Mad To Be Normal reveals the story of R.D. Laing, the famous psychiatrist and one of Scotland's greatest ever minds. Working out of Kingsley Hall in East London throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Laing performed various daring experiments on people who were diagnosed as mentally disturbed. His revolutionary methods involved experimenting with LSD on his patients and practicing a form of self-healing known as metanoia, causing outrage and controversy in the medical profession and radically changing attitudes and perceptions of mental health around the world.
Robert Mullan
Samuel Goldwyn Films
Robert Mullan, Tracy Moreton
  • A first rate film. It doesn't go anywhere near hagiography and presents a very honest portrait of a man who had an extraordinary gift for compassion and was also beset by his own demons. The script/dialogue is excellent, and David Tennant (of both Doctor Who and Hamlet fame), as always, is great. The movie is not at all didactic and simply points subtly to shifts in tone both via editing and a poignant script.