Based on the remarkable true story of a small-town nurse named Susette Kelo, who emerged as the reluctant leader of her working-class neighbors in their struggle to save their homes from political and corporate interests bent on seizing the land and handing it over to Pfizer Corporation.
Courtney Balaker
Film Mode Entertainment
Courtney Balaker
  • A compelling story with a great cast led by Catherine Keener and Jeanne Tripplehorn. Highly recommended.
  • A great movie about a critically important issue.
  • Catherine Keener is outstanding as Suzette Kelo, a blue-collar single woman who buys a house in the run-down Fort Trumbull neighborhood of New London, Connecticut and then is faced with eviction by the City to make way for a new Pfizer facility. The movie is based on the true story of Kelo vs. City of New London, and the case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The film doesn't have the happy ending most viewers may want, but the story of how Suzette Kelo transforms from someone just trying to get on with her life after a few hard knocks to a grassroots activist against the callus and calculating use of eminent domain to serve corporate interests in well told. I was surprised at how even the acting was throughout the film. The movie's pace is a bit slow, but it picks up when the city really starts turning the screws to Kelo and her neighbors.
  • A well-acted independent film telling this famous story of courage against corporate and political intrigue.
  • How many movies can you name that have the potential to change the world for the better - while being hugely entertaining, to boot? And how often does one find in cinemas a riveting true story about heroism, determination, and persistence? Few films these days present a principled fight for human liberty and individual rights - in this case an ordinary citizen's crusade to save her home from a powerful government's attempts to take it from her. Little Pink House is an outstanding film in all respects: top-notch performances, direction, production values. It's not a documentary but a dramatized, narrative retelling of Susette Kelo's story - a landmark case that went all the way to The Supreme Court and is still resonating today, as important as ever. I've seen this great film three times and it just gets better with every viewing. See it now, while it's in a theater.
  • I truly love this film - it takes a challenging political concept and brings it down to a very human level. We see, through Keener's subtle and heartfelt performance, the real personal cost of the cronyist arrogance of those who think they know best how others should live. Despite the heavy subject matter, the filmmakers have managed to make it light and generous, and in spite of the ultimately tragic events, have created something inspiring and life-affirming. I'm happy that this important story has been rendered in a way that audiences from across the economic and political spectrum can understand and resonate with it. Bravo!!
  • Beautiful story without the usual "Hollywood" ending. Inspired performances by Catherine Keener and Jeanne Tripplehorn. I particularly enjoyed the role of the young attorney. This film is a better is better studying case law to learn about eminent domain IMO!
  • Engaging, compelling movie about a national tragedy. Excellent viewing for the whole family.
  • Incredibly written, heart-wrenching, and inspiring. This film tells the story of real individuals affected by uncontrolled politicians. Would highly recommend.
  • A beautiful portrayal of a true story of one woman's fight for her home against a government that stopped caring about the little guy.
  • This movie made me tear up. It was very inspiring and is a compelling narrative of an important issue. If you ever wondered what the fuss about "eminent domain" and the Supreme Court's Kelo decision, you should see this. If you care about property rights, you should see this. Or if you just want to see a movie about the true story of a woman who stood up "the man" and won, you should definitely see this.
  • I saw this movie this week and left the theater inspired and mad... I was inspired to see Susette Kelo and her neighbors fight to preserve their little piece of the American dream. I was mad as heck to watch big government and the crony socialist businesses that they cahoot with stomping all over the right of citizens to be secure in their homes. This movie is timely and well made. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • This is a strong, powerful and important film about a legal travesty.