Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first nightshift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and all Hell will break loose!
Creative Scotland
David Cairns, Hanna Stanbridge, Fiona Watson
  • Aunque este thriller sobrenatural maneja ideas interesantes y se basa en grandes clásicos como Asalto a la Comisaria del Distrito 13, su trama es tan exagerada y sin sentido en algunos momentos que no puedo decir que se vaya a convertir en un gran clásico.Cierto es que Liam Cunningham se esfuerza en hacer un buen trabajo, pero aun así el guión no le ayuda en su trabajo. Aun así, el tramo final es divertido de ver y tiene bastante acción y gore.No será un gran clásico, pero en algunos momentos brilla con algunas ideas interesantes o buena acción.
  • A pretty good new horror movie that separates itself from the pack by rewriting the horror blueprint. The acting is great, the story is interesting, but the scares are minimal.
  • Debut director Brian O'Malley has crafted an intriguing horror flick that, aside from a few cheap scares, attempts to avoid tired clichés.
  • Not a bad movie at all. Liam Cunningham makes an excellent collector of souls and though the background stories of the other cast members is a bit far fetched, the whole thing comes together in a very watchable film.
  • A solid film, well made, well shot and has very interesting characters, the plot takes a predictable route but is enjoyable and certainly worth watching if you have a free evening
  • I thought The movie was pretty decent. Everybodies "sin" was kinda cliche, but then again it's kinda hard to be original in that sense. But it was entertaining none the less. Watched it all the way through in a single sitting without having to pause and see if the blasted thing was close to ending like most movies today. Go for it and don't try to read to far into it.
  • Great movie. Very visual and great soundtrack.
  • This was a film that I popped in to get he lousy experience of another one out of my head, and it paid off in a big bad way. The film takes place in a small town, where a young woman is heading to a shift overnight at the police station, and a mysterious stranger who is brought in begins to cause all manner of chaos with the skeleton crew involved.Well worth a look if you have the chance.
  • pretty great and gritty and intense until a tacky ending i wasn't satisfied with. a lot of different styles combined here, but they worked for the most part.
  • Let me start off by saying that I try to watch one new movie or tv series a day with my prime requisite that it be something both entertaining and unique to me. That being said "Let Us Pray" overall was nothing I hadn't seen before however it kept me engaged till the end because of the powerful presence of Liam Cunningham who like most people out there is a fan favorite from GOT. Also as noted by most critics the atmosphere and cinematography were also the stars of this film. As someone who has lived in the UK and Europe I can appreciate a small town or village overseas more so then in America especially being from LA. It is just like food tastes better when it is free, films always seem more sophisticated to me when they are from across the pond. So if this had taken place in a small Oregon town maybe it would have only received 2.5 stars or less from me. Someone who is much younger than me and hasn't seen as many horror films may really enjoy this film. What I didn't care for was the lack of spirituality of the film and instead rote Old Testament bible thumping. To compare an adulterer to a child molester etc to me was low hanging fruit. I would have preferred more gray area not just black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. I know that the mystery man gave one of the sinners a chance for forgiveness but just because he was young does not mean he can't be just or more evil then the old characters. The tone of the ending made me think this was originally a graphic novel and certain people were quasi super heroes. I did like the back stories as they all made me want to know even more about these characters. What comes to mind about the stranger is a bit like Bruce Willis in "Unbreakable" in fact I would call this film a cross between the former and "Assault on Precinct 13" a John Carpenter film. I never got bored during this film and I was watching it till midnight during the week ( I typically fall asleep when watching tv at home around 10PM) and it is quarter to 1 am as I write this review so obviously it still has me juiced up.
  • A decent little horror film, that manages to hold on to the atmosphere.
  • It was a decent movie to say the least. Kinda confused towards the ending but it could be an up to interpretation one. Its got high religious undertones but doesnt take away from the movie. It's has a different feel than most horror movies, I would say much better than most b rated, or Indie horror flicks. Watch it if you got the time.
  • A thoroughly weird movie but strangely satisfying. But questions remain unanswered....why did everything happen this night? Did the mystery man save Rachel from her childhood pedophile? Was Rachel the reason everything happened this night? On her very first day as a police officer? Was he...WAITING for her?
  • 'Let Us Prey' is a contained horror flick that deftly blends supernatural terror with savage, grueling violence. It deals with a lot of traditional horror themes, but tackles them with a modern edge, and the cast is able to pull it off nicely. I found it extremely satisfying.
  • A really good movie about retribution but in a old testament sorta way. everyone gets what they deserve. The movie gives you a sense of the antagonist of the film to be the hero and the protagonist or police are actually the villains. very cool movie reminds me of The Crow but way more fucked up and less 90s.