In this heart-pounding thriller from acclaimed writer and director Mike Flanagan (Oculus, Before I Wake), silence takes on a terrifying new dimension for a young woman living along in the woods. Author Maddie Young (Kate Siegel) lives a life of utter isolation after losing her hearing as a teenager. She's retreated form society, living in seclusion and existing in a completely silent world. But one night, the fragile world is shattered when the masked face of a psychotic killer appears in her window. Without another living soul for miles, and with no way to call for help, it appears that Maddie is at the killer's mercy... but he may have underestimated his prey. As this horrifying game of cat and mouse escalates to a breathless fever- pitch, Maddie must push herself beyond her mental and physical limits in order to survive the night.
Mike Flanagan
Intrepid Pictures
Mike Flanagan, Kate Siegel
- Excellent watch! Interesting plot that hosts a refreshingly capable leading lady who isn't the stereotypical hapless victim. This film kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time with its twists and thrills. A definite watch for any horror or thriller fan!Reply
- Bone chilling movie that truly scares the audience. Shows one of the true fears that most humans have which is fear of mutilationReply
- With the newest transition of the show moving from practical effects to CGI, the conversion is pretty good. The characters, sets and animation is rendered well. The voice actors for their respective dubs are also performed competently. Writing is slightly above average with an okay story even though it tends to leave some main characters in the background. The saddest part is the lack of iconic music that was once so profound in its presence, no longer at the forefront.Reply
- A heart-pounding thriller where silence takes on a terrifying new twist when a young, deaf woman living alone in the woods is attached by a killer. Without the ability to hear, she provides for more than a willing adversary for the psychotic stranger.Reply
- An intresting premise for an unexpected thriller. I started watching this with my partner, who fell asleep 5 minutes in, against my wishes to see something else. I'm glad I stayed awake to finish it. I really enjoyed it. I'm a fan of thrillers and horror but not Gore, so this film, while it had some gore, was a surprise LIKE.Reply
- A tense, stripped back horror movie that is very effective and better than a great many bigger budget efforts.Reply
- I enjoyed this home invasion horror movie. The fact that the victim is a deaf mute did add to the tenseness of an already stressful situation by decreasing her chances of notifying anyone. The lady has moxie and it was definitely interesting finding out what scheme she would come up with next in order to overcome her situation. A fine heart-pounding thriller on level with The Strangers.Reply
- This is one of the best horror movies and it always keeps me on edge even after seeing the 3rd time!Reply
- A well made home invasion film with some unique twists that keep it unique, including the protagonist being unusually smart for a horror movie.Reply