Set in Cape Cod over one scorching summer, Hot Summer Nights follows Daniel (Timothée Chalamet), a shy out-of-towner who gets in over his head flipping weed with the neighborhood rebel (Alex Roe) while pursuing his new business partner's enigmatic sister (Maika Monroe). With a hurricane looming in the wings, tensions rise against a backdrop of drive-ins, arcades, and crashed parties as the stakes (and temperatures) grow ever higher.
R (for drug content and language throughout, sexual references, and some strong violence)
Elijah Bynum
Elijah Bynum
- A fun summer movie with a great cast, high production values and confident, ambitious filmmaking from a first-time director. HSN feels like stories heard third-hand, rumors passed around your high school -- sometimes hyperbolic, sometimes illogical, building toward myth.Reply
- [Elijah Bynum] solicits strong performances from his young cast - especially Timothée Chalamet as the teenage fish out of water - and blends humor and increasingly dark sensibility to good effect.Reply
- Elijah Bynum's directorial debut, Hot Summer Nights, is a brazen anti-coming-of-age thriller that oozes with all the right confidence, chutzpah, and passion.Reply
- Hot Summer Nights is a sneaky slice of dark Americana, a gorgeously shot, hard truth coming-of-age tale rendered through a lens of innocence and grandeur, a sexy 20th century fairy tale.Reply
- Like a teen New England Goodfellas. That's not to discredit Bynum's own style. He wouldn't earn the Goodfellas comparison unless the style was self-assured and expressing character, and it is.Reply