Set in 1892, Hostiles tells the story of a legendary Army Captain (Christian Bale), who after stern resistance, reluctantly agrees to escort a dying Cheyenne war chief (Wes Studi) and his family back to tribal lands. Making the harrowing and perilous journey from Fort Berringer, an isolated Army outpost in New Mexico, to the grasslands of Montana, the former rivals encounter a young widow (Rosamund Pike), whose family was murdered on the plains. Together, they must join forces to overcome the punishing landscape, hostile Comanche and vicious outliers that they encounter along the way.
R (for strong violence, and language)
Scott Cooper
Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures
Scott Cooper
  • enjoyed it. great story and acting
  • well made movie. outstanding performances by bale and pike. i can't believe i'm saying this but i think pike outshines my GOAT bale. she made me feel just by her acting and expressions. good music. lots of powerful moments. also pretty slow and generally a downer (1 viewing)
  • a beautifully shot but thematically pretty damn gloomy Western. The story is Slow paced but the outstanding acting and interesting premise makes it fascinating and enthralling in every moment. Some character development seems to come a little sudden and the ending is both disturbingly bleak and hopeful at the same time. All that certainly makes you think about the film for a little longer, considering some of its themes resonate in today's political climate. The beautiful images stay with you anyway.
  • Rough but handsome Cavalry Western.
  • Interesting, beautifully shot, heartbreaking. Would watch again.
  • I really, really wish the movie had the guts to seriously reckon with that great D.H. Lawrence quote that opens the movie. Unfortunately the movie is just bleak and nihilistic until it's sudden and out of place happy ending.
  • interesting, well done.
  • Pros: Strong performances all aroundStrong screenplay, and very good dialogue throughout the moviePowerful western cinematographyDynamic message Cons: Pacing feels a bit predictable
  • Great film!!!! Really shows both sides to a very horrible part of history and does so with raw emotion and great honesty. I was moved in so many ways. A must see!
  • okay...overlong and over-obvious, western...
  • A truely outstanding movie with a great cast and a great story
  • The English speaking characters should have had subtitles like the Indians did. Half the film was spent straining to understand what they were mumbling.
  • I was surprised they didn't show the native-hating protagonist to be the stereotypical white devil, but upon further inspection the script is actually poorly written. It's the great performances that attempt to mend the holes, but they fall a little short.
  • Great western with beautiful vistas. Christian Bale once again turns in a bravura performance.Highly recommended.
  • A nicely done Western fable, but has only its toes in the truth, which keeps it from being 5 stars. Comanches were no longer raiding by 1892 and would have never been that far west. The west was laced with roads and rail by 1892 and the group would have never gone cross country on horseback through the mountains. A thousand mile trip on horseback with a sick man, mishaps, and injury would have taken months, not to mention, with all the settlement by this time, they would have been riding from homestead to homestead the whole way. But I'm a sucker for a decent western and this one is better than decent. The Cheyenne characters could have been fleshed out better.