Drama series that follows three suburban wives who fall into desperate circumstances and take on risky endeavours.
- ... with the #MeToo movement still going strong, a story about three women taking control of their lives and perhaps breaking bad a little bit was intriguing.Reply
- Part action, part drama, and part comedy, Good Girls serves not just as a girl power revenge fantasy, but also one of the shows female actors have craved for years.Reply
- For now, the three lead performances are uniformly winning while the pacing is bracingly brisk.Reply
- These women aren't born of clichés from writers' rooms, but rather, each seems drawn from women you've likely known.Reply
- The cast is absolutely fantastic; Hendricks, Whitman, and Retta enjoy an easy, compelling chemistry with one another and elevates a show with some early shortcomings.Reply
- Good Girls is the platonic ideal of a series about "normal" people who become criminals. It's a likable and even fun show, which is especially hard when it comes to a show where people are clearly doing Bad Things.Reply
- Hendricks, Retta and Whitman give believably strong and collaborative performances as three people stuck in a dangerous mess.Reply
- The show's success owes primarily to the performances by the lead actors, who are so appealing that you might not remember they are actually committing crimes including theft, kidnapping, blackmail and transporting contraband.Reply
- Good Girls may not be exploring entirely new storytelling terrain, but it's refreshing to see the role of TV anti-hero being filled by not just one, but three women, in a major network series.Reply
- Good Girls does not shy away from the realities of being a woman in the criminal underworld-or just a woman in the world in general.Reply
- Light as it is, Good Girls deserves credit for the showcase it still gives Whitman, Hendricks and Retta.Reply