A High School Filmmaker documents his solo journey from Colorado to L.A. in search of the serial killer responsible for the murder of his girlfriend. The film intermixes home footage, real time clips and the eventual climax with the murderer.
Anthony Stabley
Super Grande Films
Anthony Stabley
- A fascinating and realistic psychological thriller with a great cast.. Everlasting is a Film that draws you in from beginning to end. It dives into the lives of two innocent high school teenagers in love. The girlfriend sadly ends up being murdered after travelling to Los Angeles. Her boyfriend, desperate for answers goes on a risky investigative search for any clues that may lead to her last whereabout. Though it may seem sad and depressing at first, the story picks up very quickly after the news of her murder and keeps you at the edge of your seat the rest of the way as he documents his journey. The real life footage made it all very vivid and visually compelling. Very well done.Reply
- This film had me hooked within the first 10 minutes! I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a different kind of twist on the 'found-footage' genre, with the lead character creating a film about his journey to discover the truth about what happened to his girlfriend. It certainly keeps you guessing and involved right to the very end. I definitely recommend you check this out!Reply
- A very interesting psycho-sexual murder mystery. Enjoyed how the film was constructed but the performances were the thing that really got me hooked. Casting was fantastic, especially the one guy...well, I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it but he is haunting.Reply
- Crafty artistic film about young love, and the search for a killer. In his first full-length feature, Anthony Stabley captures the mood and intensity of two fractured, adolescent souls and their naive foray into a darker underworld. Supporting cast is solid, and music selection is stellar. But pretty can only take you so far -- true in life and in acting. As a well-respected production designer, Stabley knows how to make a film. I look forward to his next effort.Reply
- Like an big blockbusters, independent cinema has hits and misses. Blockbusters either make billions or are forgotten about, while indies either make their way around festivals and gain traction, or simply are left in the dust. Everlasting, a small picture that has been winning some pretty big awards under the radar is a film that's now available to rent or own on many streaming services. If you are looking to view a film that you probably haven't heard about and be pleasantly surprised, then I believe Everlasting is the perfect film for you. Using some very hefty techniques in storytelling, this film takes a few risks that I wasn't expecting, thus sparking a liking which will surely be one of my favourite indies in a while. Here are my thoughts on Everlasting.After travelling on her own to Los Angeles and being murdered, a young filmmaker decides to document his journey with the hopes of finding his girlfriend's killer. Sort of told in a non-linear fashion through flashbacks of happier times and "real" footage caught on tape of this murderer's victims, there is a very horrific feeling that you may get when watching this film. Everlasting has a very unique way of telling its story and with performances that feel very raw and authentic to reality, this is a film that should have made it out to the public in the way that Paranormal Activity did. Although fictional, there is a very large and overbearing sense of realism present throughout this film, which is easily its biggest selling point.Although the depressing aspect is thrown out the window when you know she has been murdered early on in the film, it becomes more about the interesting investigation and enjoying the fond memories that they shared together in the recent past. Everlasting is all about the build up to whether or not Matt will end up finding the justice he has been seeking. Through many flashbacks and past encounters, certain elements are brought to fruition and become twists within themselves. This film is very well-structured, never giving away its reveals, but always quietly hinting at them along the way. If you are a fan of the mystery genre, that is the genre I would most associate this picture with.What I was personally able to take away from this story was the fact that so many people die every day and all we have to go on is an image of them. If we don't know them, we make quick judgements on what they may have been like and nothing more. This film takes the time to explore the past of it's fallen subject in order to make viewers truthfully care about its subject. So many blockbusters have disposable characters and hardly ever take the time to full flesh them out, but when you make your entire film based around that, there really isn't much to dislike about it. From beginning to end I found myself enthralled in this premise and there was hardly ever a dull moment in its mere 82 minute run time.In the end, Everlasting is a great viewing experience for those who love great mysteries, a solid thriller, or a film filled with dedicated performances. This is an independent piece of cinema that really cares about its characters and depicting them in a very niche way. I was engaged from start to finish, with highlights being performances by the every devoted Valentina de Angelis and dedicated Adam David. Although this film won't appeal to everyone, due to the fact that this style is out of the ordinary, true cinema lovers will get a nice dose of terrific storytelling. Everlasting is a film that I have to recommend with the risk of it being off-putting to some, but for what this film sets out to accomplish, it's near perfect. Looking for a great film? I don't believe you will regret checking this one out.Reply
- Cool thriller that delivers quite a lot of tension! Well acted and superbly paced suspense flick!Reply
- Clever and original. This multi-medium indie-film is well worth the watch! Solid cast, directed & shot well and compelling to boot!Reply
- I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, but the idea of going after a serial killer was pretty cool. It had a unique style to it as well. The acting was pretty strong. I'll be curious to see what movie they make after this one. Worth a look especially if you're into suspenseful films with a strong mood.Reply
- This is a pretty interesting crime movie! Dark and compelling, not your typical serial killer story. Check it out, you won't be able to stop watching!Reply
- Cool, mysterious, sexy and suspenseful thriller in a cool mixed media form. Definite recommend!Reply
- An Intriguing philosophic, psychological thriller that dares to explore possibilities a techno-modern artist might create within visual sensory synesthesia. Or was it just turpentine poisoning?Reply
- What a great little find in indie films not to mention I love serial killers movies but they are usually all the same. Not this one. Had me mesmerized from start to finish. I loved the mixing of media, black and white footage, flash-backs which really add to the effective storytelling. Dark, mysterious, suspenseful drama at it's best. Well acted, beautiful cinematography and compelling script. I had a wonderful time watching.Reply