After years in hiding and struggling to control his demons, an eccentric drifter returns home and discovers that his childhood abuser, the center of his pain, is still alive. Armed with this knowledge, the drifter plots his revenge, all the while navigating the perilous land of masculine fragility in modern-day America.
Travis Mathews
Uncork'd Entertainment
Travis Mathews
- A disturbed loner begins to unravel in this contemplative thriller that's less interested in conventional thrills than in drawing viewers into the protagonist's off-kilter world view.Reply
- For all the story, Discreet's 80-minute runtime is never rushed, and an almost eXistenz-level of attention is paid to the simple sounds and textures while Mark De Gli Antoni's spooky drone score keeps things unsettling.Reply
- This experimental dramatic thriller [is] an odyssey into the conflicted recesses of American culture.Reply
- As the tension builds to its harrowing conclusion, and Alex begins to bare his teeth, Mathews pulls enough tricks from his sleeve to make Discreet a worthy digression.Reply