Thirty years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio), who has been struggling to maintain balance in his life without the guidance of his mentor, Mr. Miyagi.
- I doubt that the premise yields for more than one good season, but for now we have 10 quick chapters, written with ingenuity. [Full review in Spanish]Reply
- While Cobra Kai could have gone the way of horrible 80s movie rehashing, it actually attempted to do something rarely seen: respect the original property.Reply
- "Cobra Kai" is a lesson to others interested in mining the '80s for reboot ideas; if you're going to rely on nostalgia, at least do something interesting with it.Reply
- If you love the Karate Kid franchise, you'll find something familiar in YouTube Red's Cobra Kai.Reply
- There were levels of depth I didn't expect...it was surprisingly good, and a look at the Karate Kid trope through different perspectives.Reply
- Cobra Kai is so good it gives me hope that long-mooted follow-ups to other '80s classics like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Goonies or Midnight Run could actually be done well.Reply
- To be quite frank, a show like this shouldn't even work... The series actually works pretty well.Reply
- What sells it, ultimately, are some winning performances by William Zabka and Ralph Macchio in roles that made them worldwide sensations.Reply
- It's a reboot that works, because it's a lot of fun and puts the familiar characters in a new light.Reply
- Cobra Kai is not something that is watched so much as it is experienced... I watched Cobra Kai and I had the time of my goddam life.Reply
- Johnny's journey is one that I want to follow because even though the principles that Cobra Kai teaches are troublesome, with their "strike first, strike hard, no mercy" mantra... Johnny is trying to do the right thing. Even if he's a little misguided.Reply
- It's not easy to get us to sympathize with a prototypical bad dude like Johnny Lawrence, but Cobra Kai pulls it off, thanks to [William] Zabka's prickly charm.Reply
- It helps that Johnny is a genuinely complicated character, someone who has clearly experienced a lot of hardship, yet who still embraces distasteful remnants of his teenage years, starting with that "Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy" mantra.Reply