This biographical thriller charts the notorious rise of southern England's most famous gangsters-- Tony Tucker, Patrick Tate, and Craig Rolfe. The trio of drug suppliers and career criminals were found in 1995, blasted to death by a shot gun in a Range Rover in Essex. A stronghold of fear and violence that allowed them to maintain a large, drug fuelled empire perhaps led to their untimely deaths.
Sacha Bennett
Gateway Films
Sacha Bennett, Graeme Muir
  • This is truly awful. It is a comic masterpiece, though. It is basically the same film as the second half of Rise of the Footsoldier. Hassan is in the Fairbrass role and Stone plays the same character but sadly, drops the wig. So many funny moments. The highlight for me is Hassan crashing the Porsche.
  • The funny thing about 'true crime' is that this particular story has now been featured in 3 films (including this one) and each one varies. Each version has different sub stories and it's obvious that not all will be revealed. First there was THE ESSEX BOYS, then RISE OF THE FOOT SOLDIER and now this one.The film itself is probably the least watchable out of the three and whilst this is not a Nick Love film, it could pass as one - what no Danny Dyer? Don't worry we have just as typecast an Actor; Tamer Hassan.It's watchable, it's what says on the tin!
  • Top film must see it. Ft Danny dyer quality no funny business movie
  • not bad not great either
  • well umn just seen this movie 4 the 1st time n think that this is a good movie 2 watch..........its got a good cast of actors/actressess throughout this movie..............i think that the director of this comedy/drama/thriller movie had done a good job of directing this movie because you never know what 2 expect thorughout this movie............i think that....kierston wareing, tamer hassan, vincent regan, terry stone, adam deacon, neil maskell, dave legeno, lucy brown play good roles/parts throughout this movie........i think that this is an entertaining movie 2 watch its got a good cast thorughout this movie,,,,,,,,,,,,i think that the fight scenes throughout this movie were good......i think that this is an entertaining movie 2 watch its got a good cast throughout this movie i think that the fight scenes were good.......the gun shoot outs were good thorughout this movie as well this is a good movie 2 watch with a good cast throughout this movie..........
  • Based on a true story, Bonded by Blood is a brutal portrait of the most notorious firm in British crime history.
  • Top top film, loved the Porsche crash scene, well funny.
  • Another make of a movie surrounding the real life "Rettendon" Essex boys murders. Not as good as "Rise of the foot soldier" but still a good make of it. Focus's more on the couple of years leading up to the murders
  • brilliant british gangster movie based on a true story about three essex gangsters who bullied thier way to the top, and eventualy meet thier downfall in a notorious triple murder, while not as realistic and brutal as rise of the footsoldier it tells the movie more cinematicly and is more enjoyable for it, not as brutal either but it gets it's point across, a great cast, live soundtrack, and well made, bonded by blood is brit flick of the year.
  • Not as good as 'Rise of the Footsoldier' (another film based on the same true story) but raised by the presence of Tamar Hussan - as most films of this ilk are ...
  • I get it into my head that if Tamer Hassan is in a film I'll be seeing another of "The Business" or "The Football Factory" not so much, this is not all bad but not great either
  • Based on real life events this, yet another, Brit gangster film is quite watchable for the most part but the ending seems rather swift and surprisingly not that shocking.
  • Decently made and well-acted, but with a whiff of glossy, high-life voyeurism.