A fast-paced thriller set in contemporary London, "Blitz" reflects the challenges faced by a group of police officers working in a modern, multi-cultural society. A raw, gritty tale of moral ambiguity, outsiders and the sacrifices the police make to keep crime off British streets.
R (for strong brutal violence, language, some drug use and nudity)
Rob Hardy, Elliott Lester
Nathanial Parker, Nathan Parker
- This was a much better movie than I expected. If you watch this one and London Boulevard, you will have a good time especially with Little finger as the bad guy in this. It's not completely original but it's got a pretty well done story.Reply
- fun mystery thriller. likable lead character and villain. some good music and humor. my main downside with this movie is the tangent story-line of the officer falls and... (2 viewings)SPOILERS...her relapse after her date. i really liked the ending. the villain was dressed as a cop for his plan, and they killed him with his own gun for an easy set up, the cop killer killed him because he was dressed in a cop's uniform. it's not a twist but gave me the twist feels. this movie is probably closer to a 3.0 but that ending pushed it over the edge. that, and the fact that i originally had it as a 4.0. I think i got too excited from that ending, and also i was easier to please in 2011Reply
- "Blitz" is a very pleasant watch, rewarding enough despite being occasionally uneven. Statham is in his element, shooting quotable line after quotable line with his trademark menacing coolness, opposite delicious turns by Considine and Gillen. The script is rather familiar and far from watertight and is characterized by an unfortunate dip in intensity during the final act yet the resolution is satisfying enough and succeeds in leaving a sweet aftertaste of this mostly solid yet minor thriller.Reply
- To the person who reckoned they needed subtitles to watch this film - is English your second language!!!!Reply
- Enjoyed it way more than I was expected to, It's a typical Statham film, No real action but he does beat a few people up and kill someone, but it's no action film, It's a clever crime film with a nice clever ending that I enjoyed.Reply
- Going into this movie, one should not expect a deep story line or complex plot. In reality both are very simple. One should, however, expect to fall in love with a few characters and empathize with the others. This film is pure, unadulterated fun and is worth the watch for any Statham fan.Reply
- Netflix's description of this film describes Statham's character as someone with anger issues. Yea, look, that pretty much describes every Jason Statham action film out there. If this guy didn't have some sort of anger issues, then he would not kick so much ass in all the films he's in. And this is referring to Statham's characters and not the man himself. He seems like he's a pretty cool dude to hang out with. I could be wrong, but that's the vibe he gives off. Anyway, this description is honestly kind of silly given the nature of the characters Jason Statham usually plays. On to this film. This was, surprisingly, more of a thriller than action film and it's not a half bad one at that. I mean it's predictable and formulaic as shit, but that's not something that, in a film that's made well and solidly, that's really gonna be much of an issue. And this film, at the very least, is a competently made thriller and it does have a good cast. Paddy Considine is always good as is Aidan Gillen. Zawe Ashton, who I had never seen before this film, is probably the one with the most to do, performance-wise, in the film and she also delivers the goods. Jason Statham is fairly solid here as well. So, as you can see, I cannot complain about the casting of the film one bit. Perhaps the scripting of the film did leave a lot to be desired. Outside of Zawe's character, none of them really have any depth. The only thing that Considine's character has going for him, despite Considine himself being quite good in the film, is that he's gay and he, I think, killed a pedophile. Statham's character has his anger issues. So, as you can see, the characters are as one-dimensional as they get. With that said, the film is still pretty interesting to follow. It might not be what you call good, due in part to the one-dimensional characters and predictable nature of its story, but I still enjoyed watching the film. It's pretty decent as a bit of wish-fulfillment vengeance stuff, clearly ending in a way that almost no real-life investigation ever would, but doing so in a satisfying fashion. With that said, I wouldn't call this a good movie, but I'd see it's a pretty decent thriller with some good performances and a good ending. Wouldn't exactly go out of my way to watch it, but it's a fairly decent little movie and it won't make you pull your hair out if you choose to watch it.Reply
- Overall a good film, the plot was not to complex and was right to the point. A film for Everyone who is a fan of action films.Reply
- While predictable, Blitz is enjoyable and doesn't have the standard feel attached to a Stathem film. I appreciated the absurd over the top antagonist and was drawn in hoping he would be caught. It may be "tired" and it'll be "done again" but the simple formula of the film works.Reply
- Fun popcorn beat 'em up flick. The soundtrack, cinematography and slick fight choreography makes Blitz one of the few Statham films worth your time.Reply
- Blitz offers nothing revolutionary to the Jason Statham cannon, but does provide a small scale cop thriller with its fair share of action.Reply
- A more reserved Jason Statham movie that has him as a cop trying to catch a cop killer, played well by Aidan Gillen.Good actors and a fairly enjoyable story make for a decent watch all round.It is nice to see Statham do a movie where he isn't constantly kicking and punching, and where he can actually do some acting.Reply
- I sure hope the real London PD aren't as incompetent as they're made out to be in this film. Overall, a good action flick.Reply