8.8 Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
Drama, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Visually spectacular, intensely action-packed and powerfully prophetic since its debut, Blade Runner returns in Ridley Scott's definitive Final Cut, including extended scenes and never-before-seen special effects. In a signature role as 21st-century detective Rick Deckard, Harrison Ford brings his masculine-yet-vulnerable presence to this stylish noir thriller. In a future of high-tech possibility soured by urban and social decay, Deckard hunts for fugitive, murderous replicants - and is drawn to a mystery woman whose secrets may undermine his soul. This incredible version features the definitive Final Cut of Ridley Scott's legendary Sci-Fi classic.
R (for violence and brief nudity)
Ridley Scott
Warner Bros. Pictures
Hampton Fancher, Darryl Ponicsan
  • Very atmospheric with an incredibly soothing soundtrack. One of the best science fictions films going and is very thoughtful.
  • An absolute classic . Captivated me on the first viewing 20 years ago and still entertains me to this day. This film has legs.
  • I'll review this here and on the Final Cut page because really this is what I'm reviewing. I've spent 20 years saying this film was a boring mess and then after a recent conversation with a friend he urged me to seek out either the Director's or the Final cut versions. What a difference, unbelievable, with the silly voiceover and the cheesy happy ending stripped away the real brilliance of this film is revealed. You have to work far harder as the viewer but that's what makes the film so interesting. Is Deckard a replicant? Who knows, my friend thought it was much more strongly hinted that he is but I still thought it was perfectly ambiguous. That sound you here is me simultaneously eating my hat and a big dose of humble pie. This is a classic and a genuinely brilliant film.
  • all those moments will b e lost in time like tears in rain
  • Brilliant DREAMLIKE movie, i wasn't old enough to see it first time round i was only born in the mid EIGHTIES but really really amazing movie for its time. a standout performance from rutger hauer as roy batty. i would advise anyone over 18 to watch this it's so superior to the new one, blade runner 2049.
  • Harrison Ford in one of the most insane movies from Ridley Scott! A must see action film!
  • I'm not going to lie, I really like this movie even though, in my opinion, the acting (or the lines of some of the characters) were cheesy (that's the 80s). This film is still visually stunning. I recently re-watched it for free on On-Demand as a refresher before seeing Blade Runner 2049. Would re-watch. 10.8.17
  • The Final Cut of this classic movie made it as visually stunning as it could be. Very impressive.
  • Iconic scenes and a terrific villain carry an unusual sci-fi dystopian flick.
  • One of my all time favourite films what can i say well... (Visually stunning and narratively satisfying, Blade Runner is a master piece and a great film )
  • Blade Runner: The Final Cut is one of my favorite films of all time. It has great acting, visuals, and direction. I also love how this isn't just any action film, it doesn't even have a lot of action. No, this is a philosophical film meant to pay attention towards and even studied. This film nearly made me cry in the end because of how beautiful it is.This film gets a big fat A+
  • The best cut of the movie because of the way it accentuates the question of whether Deckard, himself, might be a replicant.
  • A truly amazing movie. It's really not for everyone, being and odd and atmospheric sci-fi film noir. One of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made.
  • best scifi movie ive seen
  • A work of genius, but hopefully this does not become our future.