"Black Panther" follows T'Challa who, after the events of "Captain America: Civil War," returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to take his place as King. However, when an old enemy reappears on the radar, T'Challa's mettle as King and Black Panther is tested when he is drawn into a conflict that puts the entire fate of Wakanda and the world at risk.
PG-13 (for prolonged sequences of action violence, and a brief rude gesture)
Ryan Coogler
Marvel Studios
Joe Robert Cole, Ryan Coogler
- A very good movie start to finish. A well developed character and cast. Proof a movie can be made well and not have to TOTE the SJW line hardcore. If you really have liked the MU then t his is one you have to watch and add, esp before you see infinity War.Reply
- Its not a perfect film, but great characters, an interesting plot, and fun action make it another very solid entry in the MCU.Reply
- Absolutely loved it! The music was haunting, special effects were jaw dropping, photography was breathtaking, costumes were absolutely beautiful. Acting was solid (not usual for comics/super hero movies)!I couldn't care less if it doesn't follow cannon!I saw it more like a sci-fi movie or alternate history than super hero movie: what if one of the African cultures was not colonised by Europe countries and was able to develop into the 21st century at its fullest potential?Can't wait for a second movie!Reply
- One of the better of Marvel films. Black Panther actually has an interesting antagonist and was thoroughly entertaining throughout,.Reply
- Ryan Coogler has created the best Marvel film yet. BP boasts a talented and passionate cast. The visuals pop, and there are a lot of references and stylistic choices that allow for a lot of artistic interpretation. While Michael B's Killmonger wasn't quite the masterful performance, to me, that many others effused, he was still pretty well-developed, energetically acted, and his final scene with Boseman was fantastic. BP was everything I wanted in a superhero film.Reply
- Visually a masterpiece, amazing costume design, CGI brings this comic book character to life with amazing imagery. Chadwick Boseman nails it as the central character Black Panther. The character must share ample time with green screen and other major battle scenes with Michael B. Jordan as Erick Killmonger his main rival.Wakanda is the home for T'Challa son of the slain king T'Chaka, who must take his rightful place leading his country. The council is a tribal group who advises and provides the backdrop to ensure the country remains strong.The areas where there is a certain amount of leverage in any comic book movies is the dialogue. At times I had trouble understanding what was being said. It also seemed to show the same close ups of the tribal council over and over as well as the ritual to become the Black Panther. It was tedious to watch and seemed like it was unnecessary. The action sequences made this worth the wait as the loyal Wakanda people battled the other factions led by Erik Killmonger changes the landscape to change the Vibrairum rich Wakanda to move to the entire world and kill all those who oppose.In summary great action movie with great scenery and a wonderful cast. Was it the best super hero movie no but am looking forward to the next. Keep pushing the envelope.Reply
- overall great movie. good acting, vibranium was overplayed as a cure all to anything but not really the movies fault. fight scenes were a bit generic. but still happy with itReply
- This is the dopest movie ever!!! Seen 2 times!!! It the most successful MCU?MARVEL movie ever made. All the actors were excellent!! I like how this movie have meaning about people's different cultures. It's show how people are raise different, and how the world look at you. That is why this movie is so great!Reply
- Fantastic Marvel movie!! One of my favorites, interesting settings, good characters, well written story and held my attention. My kids and I had a great time at this movie.Reply
- This movie was AMAZING!!! T'Challa, the King of Wakanda, rises to the throne in the isolated, technologically advanced African nation, but his claim is challenged by a vengeful outsider who was a childhood victim of T'Challa's father's mistake. The black representation is just one of many things for which this movie is great. An incredible score, amazing visual effects, and the female supporting characters are just so kickass. Okoye, Shuri and Nakia are so tough. The villain Killmonger really has a strong motivation and a complex character development.Reply