6.4 ARQ
Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy
A young couple protecting a revolutionary new energy source are caught in a timeloop, where they relive a violent home invasion on repeat, forcing them into a race against time to break the loop and escape with the technology intact.
Tony Elliott
Tony Elliott
  • Wish the ending did more. Would love to see this as a series.
  • With a clever premise that introduces more and more twists and turns as things progress (some of which reveal sizeable plot holes that rely on the compliance of the audience in not thinking too hard about the logic behind them), ratcheting up the tension, 'ARQ' is an entertaining and exciting sci-fi/thriller that is executed with style. Superb performances from the cast are the icing on the cake, keeping you well glued to the screen.
  • Intelligent SF with a lot of well-executed action-thriller elements. This is one of the best that Netflix has to offer.
  • I'm a sucker for a well told time travel story. Usually, those make for lengthy movies, so when I saw one under an hour and a half, I was wary. However, ARQ manages to be compelling and mostly logical in that timeframe because it confined things to a small setting. The characters are stuck in a time loop, waking up after the loop closes, ala Groundhog Day. That can come off as repetitive, but I felt they did a great job making each trip through the loop interesting and more intense. Renton (Robbie Amell) is a strong lead since his actions drive the story each time. Hannah (Rachael Taylor) adds something more than a typical "damsel in distress," while Sonny (Shaun Benson) provides a formidable foe. Despite the low budget (reportedly under $2M), the film makes the best use of it and looks great. This is a great, compact movie. The kind of thing I'd love to make one day.
  • ARQ is a solid Netflix original film telling a dystopian futuristic version of Groundhog Day or Edge of Tomorrow, in which the protagonists iteratively try to overcome corporate-statist evil-doers.
  • Much better than expected. It has a story. that s evolving. It was worth watching, even if beginning was slightly repeatable, it improved a lot. For this budget it is an amazing movie.
  • I just watched it and cannot believe I hadn't heard of it until now.I've got to say it's probably my favorite movie of all time, and that says something.The camerawork was well done, the lighting was perfect in a lot of shots, I can't say I've seen anything I could potentially dock it on. The acting was perfect and the story kept me on edge at all times.The film seemed to be on a very small budget, and I believed that worked out in it's favor.I'm going to have to watch it again.
  • A small film that's not afraid to punch above its weight.
  • At a mere 88 minutes ARQ is a lean, mean, time bending machine. Our characters are stuck in a time loop scenario where they must protect a piece of technology from invaders. Edge of Tomorrow meets The Strangers in this low budget, high-concept thriller. New information is learned with each loop by the characters but also by the audience as the narrative and world is fleshed out. The acting in the film is passable, not award winning in the slightest but not bad either. Twists and turns around every corner, ARQ will entertain you through to the end.
  • 3 1/2 stars out of 5. This had a really cool concept and was mostly well executed, but they could have been done even more with it. I still liked the idea a lot and the cliffhanger.
  • First it was original TV shows, then documentaries, and now Netflix is making it's own feature films. ARQ is the companies first foray into science fiction and it hasn't gotten great reviews, due to the fact that it takes place in a time loop. I love science fiction and my favorite type of sci-fi is anything that features the manipulation of time, time travel, alternate history, time displacement, and yes, even time loops. In an apocalyptic futuristic world, Renton (Robbie Amell) has created a new form of energy, one that can possibly turn the tide and save the world. Renton wants to give this gift to all of humanity, but his former employer has other ideas and decides to steal the technology in a violent home invasion, where Renton is killed. After being killed, Renton reawakens starting his day all over again, with a complete memory of what happened. He soon discovers, the longer he lives, the more he learns, but will it be enough to figure out how to escape his current predicament, as well as the unusual time loop he seems to be caught in? Science Fiction fans love this type of film, because it gives us a chance to figure out things at the same time as the main character. It also gives us the chance to think about what we'd do in that situation and see if the character agrees or has some other wildly innovative idea that we didn't even think of. These films also tend to have a lot of noir type twists and turns and can be really thought provoking. The flip side of that, is that you can see some of the same scenes as many as ten times, and if you've never seen anything like this before and aren't a fan of the genre, it can be extremely confusing. That being said, I thought ARQ was exceptionally well written and done to near perfection, some of the twists just blew my mind. On a side note, as a fan of the film Saint Ralph, I was shocked to see Adam Butcher all grown up, playing a hired gun, I really got a kick out of that. ARQ isn't for general audiences, it is genre specific for fans of science fiction. If sci-fi isn't you thing, obviously you're not going to get it and you're not going to like it. If you are a fan, this was really well done, in particular the writing was fantastic, this film will keep guessing right up until the very end, which in and of itself was shocking.
  • The movie is a positive surprise if you think that the basic premises (terminator-like future, home invasion, time loop) are nothing original. The acting, especially the male lead, is plain bad but skip past this and you have a very interesting movie!
  • I am a fan of time loop films
  • A better than expected low budget movie. I found the plot interesting and winding enough to hold my attention. The end scenario left me satisfied. I really enjoyed this film.
  • Not a great movie, but it is a worthy approach to the exciting cinematic universe of time traveling. [Full review in Spanish]