Five university friends gather at a house party to ring in the New Year. Unbeknownst to them, an epidemic has erupted outside, causing outbreaks around the world. With nowhere else to turn, they barricade themselves indoors with only their phones, laptops, and other tech devices. They use their devices to research the possible cause of this outbreak. Information and video footage over flow their computers as they descend further into the cause and the ensuing chaos. As the virus spreads, the mood in the house changes from fear to paranoia. Who is safe? Who can they trust? Reality becomes blurred as they slowly discover the source of the virus causing the sickness...and there is no going back.
Cody Calahan
Breaking Glass Pictures
Chad Archibald, Cody Calahan
  • Not bad low budget movie except for the damn DIY zombie cure
  • really good suck antisocial 2 aint coming out
  • I thought this movie was another teenager Internet horror movie but it turns out to be quite original and was very interesting and captivating to watch till the end. Acting were a bit poor.
  • I actually enjoyed this little B movie zombieish romp. The idea of a social network making people crazy is a great idea but despite that, it wasn't delivered completely as it should have. given the budget they worked well with what they had. I found the hallucinations good and the paranoia was done well, aside from the cheesy acting from some of the actors. I do look forward to seeing how the sequel will turn out.
  • When it comes to the entire Zombie Apocalypse genre, it has to have a fresh spin on things. This is not that. Nor is it exactly a Zombie Apocalypse. It is however a mass social media experiment with subliminal messaging that has infected an entire world. How, why? I don't know... This flick shouldn't have taken itself so seriously, and played it up to our now unlimited resources of making things Pop.
  • The epidemic part of the storyline drew me to this film. I can't say I loved it, but nor can I hated it. It was entertaining without being too ridiculously graphic. Yes there is blood. The characters are ok. All unknown talent and the acting is very subpar. But regardless it's almost spoofing the fact if we spend too much time on social network sites will go crazy haha!Anyways worth a watch.
  • The talking heads are being brutally harsh to a film that doesn't warrant the savagery! It's actually not a bad little film!
  • Am I the only one who found the movie reasonable? The effects were OK, the plot is a mutations of Stephen King's Cell and the acting is pretty regular. Aside from the terrible ending it's a fair action/horror (it won't scare you a bit). The criticism towards Social Networks is a bit over the top, somehow sensationalist but nothing beyond that. If you ask me, it's good to waste some time.
  • A quirky Canadian zombie flick marred somewhat by a silly last 15 minutes.
  • a zombie film with a slightly more creative storyline, nicely directed in parts
  • It wasn't that bad, kinda cool
  • I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm pretty sure this movie is about people turning into cell phones. I have no idea if I hated this movie a lot or if I loved it for everything it fails to do. This is bad on a "Trolls 2" level and it definitely has the potential to be a cult movie, but not for any good reason. I genuinely felt that the people working on this movie thought this was a serious piece, which it makes it all the more strange and wonderful. I'm pretty sure whoever wrote this has never used the internet outside of a public library, but it all contributes into this horrible conglomeration that's irresistible to look away from, if only just to point and laugh at just how horrible it is.
  • original and smart...hope there is a sequel to this zombie apocalyptic tale with a twist unlike others I've seen lately!
  • Not a great horror film, but an enjoyable one, Antisocial gets kudos for not quite being the horror film you suspect it to be from its description. As some bizarre epidemic begins to spread outside the house where a New Year's Party is occurring, we and the and the guests begin to wonder if it is mass hysteria, paranoid delusions, some kind of sickness, or something worse. While not entirely original, Antisocial manages to be a compelling thriller with some surprises along the way.