A young girl and her devoted father strive to start a new life in a new town.
Michel Franco
Stromboli Films
Michel Franco
- A strongly unsettling experience that works so well due to its great cast and effective naturalistic style using long static shots - and the result is both a deeply complex character study about grieving and an important (and urgent) social statement on bullying in schools.Reply
- I liked this film.I first watched this movie back in 2013 and I enjoyed it. There's only two big problems I have with it. One of them is the directing. The entire film seems to be just one shot. No, not in that way but how there seems to be no editing to it. They film one scene by one perspective. Absolutely no cuts. Not even when one character speaks, the camera doesn't point at them. It points at the entire room where the scene takes place. The second thing is how far the bullying gets. I feel that Lucia gets bullied to the next level in this film. There could be a few cases in the world where bullying goes this far BUT it just seems to push the limits with Lucia and I doubt that a girl like her could have all of that shit thrown at her.Reply
- A brutal exploration of bullying with extreme consequences. This is a slow-moving but captivating drama with some excellent cinematography.Reply
- This was a sad. I agree with the critics that said the bullying scenes were hard to watch. spoiler* I wish Lucia would of stood up for herself!! That made me angry that she didn't.Reply
- This movie about bully in school is deeply unsettling and disturbing, especially the ending.Reply
- El mensaje es claro da hasco algunos seres humano y lo que son capacices de hacer para joder a otros .......De de las mejores peliculas mexicanas que he visto.....Reply
- Sickness that is spreading among some of today?s youth, emotionally detached and brutally cruel towards others, teen bullies and their mobbing in schools. I?m sure how American version of this story would end up with some shooting in the school, much more blood spilled, here revenge was not equally served so has the same effect as that random shooting, kinda pointless. I felt literally psychically sick during some scenes, and suggestion - never ignore ringing of your mobile maybe it would stop you to make a huge mistake.Reply
- The second most important Mexican contribution to the Cannes Film Festival of 2012 is an unusually good Mexican statement against bullying with an experimental fashion, directed by Michel Franco, who has been called "a Haneke apprentice". This description is given because of the prolonged shots and Haneke's early "immovable camera rule", present in his early films of the 90s and in Caché (2005), visual techniques that make the environments more engrossing and realistic, and the impactful psychological punches much more believable.What rises to the surface in the first place is Franco's decision to make a statement about the emotional and physical repercussions of bullying, the consequences brought along by unmeasured actions (in both adolescents and adults) and, most importantly, lack of communication, with an experimental style that Mexico particularly hates. Unfortunately, Mexican audiences have a very immature perspective towards cinema and look for either extreme realism or maximum entertainment, but leave no room for the unusual, "foreign stuff". The film looks great and delivers its message strongly; it succeeds at its main two purposes: the thematic and the technical. Why, then, the artistic decision? Was it aimed at international masses? Maybe it was, because it deservingly won the Un Certain Regard Award.The title is the strongest point: everything happened "after LucÃa". It is of fundamental importance that the relationships between parents and sons/daughters remains stronger and more open than ever before, especially after a tragic loss of almost unsurmountable proportions that establishes a watershed in their lives. Lack of communication can lead to disaster and desperation, especially when solitude is such a pervasive, predominant issue in the person's lives. They feel distant, and remain distant intentionally from the only ones that can help them: family itself. Silence comes at a big cost.You can argue that the situations represented here go to the extreme to state such arguments, and some do border on the unrealistic, but heck, cinema has the capacity to use that magical tool just to make us think. We sometimes need extreme cases to reflect.All in all, it is a very recommended Mexican film, which has once again put the country on the map, away from the disgusting Academy Awards and nearer more prestigious recognition.79/100Reply
- Una mirada incisiva y brutal a una situación que cada dÃa se hace más común en México. Después de LucÃa es el retrato fiel del sufrimiento de los jóvenes ante la sociedad. Actuaciones bien logradas, Tessa es el corazón de la pelÃcula con una actuación soberbia, cercana ala perfección. Una pelÃcula abrumadora que te dejará reflexionando. Simplemente maravillosa. Esperemos que este sea el escalón que a México le faltaba para hacer buen cine, con ambición más artÃstica que comercial.Reply
- After Lucia is a dark and tragic story that walks the line of what is real and what we as people refuse to believe is real. It shows its audience the true nature of bullying and how far it can and will go. The film takes us into it and makes for an extremely uncomfortable experience, but one that should be contemplated by adults and teenagers everywhere. The film is slow and in no hurry to satisfy. That being said, it's objective is not to satisfy or completely resolve, but to show action and consequence.Reply
- Moving and extremely violent, to the point of the unbearable and yet you persist watching it. Good movie, but unsure if its a good experience.Reply