Over the course of one night, a woman drives across LA with her heroin addict brother in search of a detox center, with his two year old daughter in tow.
Marja-Lewis Ryan
Marja-Lewis Ryan
  • Very heartbreaking but shows how much a sibling is willing to sacrifice for the other sibling.
  • Franco and Ryan earn a feather in their caps for this one, although it's more of a one act play than a feature film.
  • Although I can't say it showed any new colors in the world of addition, I left "6 Balloons" feeling as though I had seen a brief, yet accurate portrait of the lives of both an enabler and a user.
  • This is the first movie review I have written, so I am not up on the finer points of making a movie. But for anyone who has tried with love to fix an addict, this movie clearly demonstrates the futility of doing so.
  • At the heart of "6 Balloons" is the relationship between two siblings. Abbi Jacobson and Dave Franco. Their relationship feels real. They argue and say mean things to each other, but they say these things because they care. Since we buy that relationship, we buy the premise, even when the rest of his family has all but given him up to his addiction.
  • something is missing here to make it better
  • I didn't know how much I needed to see Abbi in a drama. The whole movie is a bit slow paced for my taste. Having said that, you can connect with her struggle, her pain, her anxiety, her defeat, ... it's a nice journey.
  • I want to know why Marja-Lewis Ryan insisted to merge a philosophical message with the storytelling. This decision could easily ruin the entire film because it is done terribly! That harmed the tone, the pacing, That made the movie has scenes that are so long for its own good. Also, the movie didn't need to be more than one hour long or even less than one hour long.Fortunately, there are many great thing that made 6 Balloons so special for me; but it's being very realistic is what made this movie really good. The movie is an emotional journey that is very effective. It's a moving story that will tug at your heartstrings. The dialogue is what made the movie very realistic, but the direction is what made the movie a brutal journey that captures the emotional horror involved. Dave Franco was great as the addicted bother, Seth. He really made me very nervous!Abbi Jacobson ,who played Katie, Seth's sister, did an awesome job; her reactions and her dramatic moments are reasonable.All the prose I mentioned made 6 Balloons a gut-wrenching/feel-good movie!(7/10)
  • 6 Balloons offers a harrowing story about addiction, and what it does with the people around you. Both Dave Franco and Abbi Jacobson should be commended for there brave performances, which take this story out of mediocrity into a pretty damn good movie.
  • In truth, it is about an addict and how his behavior, rather than reverberate, transforms the lives of those who love and surround him. [Full review in Spanish]
  • The movie is modest and honestly scaled - adult in the best sense.
  • Jacobson's performance was nothing short of stunning.
  • Franco has the showier junkie role, but Abbi Jacobson is the one you identify with, the long-suffering sister you want to hug and reassure
  • There aren't too many new ways of putting drug addiction under a filmed microscope, but writer-director Marja-Lewis Ryan has created an original, affecting drama that will both disturb and inspire.