A futuristic thriller of a world divided into two domains, one of destruction and one of progress, and only 3% of those that try to transition to the better side are able to succeed.
- The Brazilian show will itch the Hunger Games scratch, but still add an entirely new element of excitement.Reply
- It's admittedly not the most original concept at its core... But 3% has a powerful and unique human story that begins to reveal itself in later episodes.Reply
- The true test of a binge-worthy show like this is how badly you want the next episode to start, and with 3% there's no need to bother with the remote, except to occasionally tell Netflix that, yes, of course, you're still watching.Reply
- "3%" brings with it some unique elements and compelling characters, plus a strong take on the social implications of the premise.Reply
- The characters are the show's strongest point, though, and it skilfully introduces the six core candidates throughout The Process' preliminary challenges in the first episode.Reply
- The reason why 3% works so well... is that it feels more personal and emotionally driven, easing us into connecting with characters who eventually become far more than their pilot-episode characteristics.Reply
- The uneven but compelling 3% argues for hemispheric resonance by making a farce out of - and mining terrific suspense from - the myth of deserved affluence, the obvious corollary of which is deserved poverty.Reply