Season 1 of the spin-off of "The Big Bang Theory" follows 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as he grows up in East Texas and attends high school.
- Thankfully shorn of laughter track, it will surprise some with its (relative) delicacy, its long, nice, un-busy single-camera shots, at stark odds with its frenetic parent show.Reply
- What we have instead is a warm-hearted, coming-of-age tale in the style of The Wonder Years. But without a Parsons-level comic talent among the cast, this series will live or die based on whether the writers can create characters worth falling for.Reply
- But for those who can handle a smattering of schmaltz with their diet of sitcom, the laugh count should more than compensate.Reply
- [Iain] Armitage is great as Young Sheldon. And Zoe Perry is wonderful as Sheldon's mom, Mary.Reply
- Lorre is using the built-in, enormous love the TV audience already has for Sheldon to examine what life might be like for someone who's perceived as different, even if that difference is genius.Reply
- With Young Sheldon, Lorre's wielding a sledgehammer with reckless abandon. And, in fixing it, he is producing perhaps his most inspired work in years.Reply
- While the story does revolve around Sheldon, his mother is just as worthy of the spotlight.Reply
- In its effort to eschew a formula that is proven to work, this story of a pre-teen genius and his otherwise average, middle-class family merits some credit for the degree of difficulty in its approach.Reply
- The story of a slightly dysfunctional but loving family is something we can all get. And with Iain Armitage's performance leading the way, the new show is very user friendly.Reply
- There's an emotional richness to the show, right from the start, that makes you want to see more.Reply