An examination of the circumstances that preceded and followed the 2008 murder of a gay eighth-grader by a classmate at their school in Oxnard, Cal.
Marta Cunningham
BMP Films
  • four stars for a great story. one star for an accurate and appropriately complicated story of larry king.
  • Criminally overlooked, Get this watched if you can,
  • Intolerance is an ugly thing, it's only magnified here. Great movie about how jacked up people are and those that defend the ill, disgraceful, I hope Brandon dies of aids.
  • The tragic tale of Larry King. An openly LGBT teenager who was gunned down by a classmate after Larry had asked him to be his valentine. This HBO documentary explores how this all came about and how the system and their peers seemed to fail both boys.The tone is more sombre than angry although the defence of Brandon (the perpetrator) is rather blood boiling.
  • Um pouco sem foco no primeiro ato, esse documentário vai se estruturando melhor a partir da metade, e realmente mostra a que veio quando apresenta, entre outros momentos revoltantes, a conversa pós-julgamento entre membros de um juri, que se mostram pessoas com um senso de justiça absolutamente distorcido e preconceituoso. Nessa hora eu fiquei realmente incrédulo e quase arremecei na TV o copo que eu tinha na mão, de tanta raiva que aquelas pessoas me deixaram. E o mais incrível é que a documentarista Marta Cunningham consegue esse efeito apenas deixando os entrevistados falarem por si, sem fazer nenhum comentário à parte, evitando direcionar o discurso do filme para um lado ou outro.
  • Heartbreaking and maddening this doc chronicles the murder, aftermath and history of gay student Larry king in Oxnard by a classmate
  • Excellent documentary. Made me sad, angry and depressed about humanity in general and America in particular.
  • I cried through this whole film. See it if you get the chance.....the senseless premeditated murder of a young boy, that ruined countless lives. And the aftermath of a town so engrossed in their own hate that they cannot even see the real truth! Make sure to have tissues!
  • I went into this movie knowing nothing about this case. Upon seeing it, I am saddened and disgusted. The outcome of the trial made me extremely angry. I couldn't believe how flippant the jurors and Brandon's lawyers were about his actions. How dare they say that 21 years in jail is too long for someone "so young"...he murdered someone! However, I do believe this film could be a good educational tool in classrooms to teach tolerance and bring awareness.
  • This is one of the most disturbing documentaries I have watched in a very long time. It made me sad and it made me angry and it filled me with rage.Sadly, it documents the ignorance rampant today in the United States when it comes to hate for those who are different.While progress has certainly been made in the past decade, what happened to Lawrence "Larry" King in California should happen to no student in America. The tragedy happened because of ignorance and the Oxnard school district and many school employees were nothing but accomplices to murder!The documentary clearly demonstrated to me that the majority of school officials and the Oxnard community seemed to be more sympathetic to the teen killer than the dead boy who was questioning his identity.At least one of Larry's teachers shows her true ignorance about LGBT issues in the documentary, while another who provided emotional support to Larry was fired as a result! How messed up is that?As of the filming of the documentary, the tree planted on the school campus in memory of anyone (but inspired by what happened to Larry King) has no plaque. Yet the superintendent of schools and killer are all smiles during a graduation ceremony for the killer held inside a detention facility after the teen killer struck a 21-year sentence plea deal after a mistrial.
  • 'A boy has been killed, and a number of lives have been ruined.'
  • Very sad story....but the story was told in a great way!!!!
  • A very powerful movie! Most documentary films you can see the side they are on but with this one they let you decide, this movie will make you feel one way or the other and it will move you no doubt about it. Such a sad movie and it should be watched by many especially parents! I can't say enough good things about it, it will make you flat out hate some of the people in the movie it did for me and my gf when we watched it the other night, one of the best if not the best documentary i have ever seen
  • A hard look at a horrifying event in 2008 at a middle school in Oxnard CA where a gay teen was murdered in class by a male peer. This film shows how deeply rooted some of our prejudices are but that there are also no easy answers when children kill each other.
  • "Valentine Road" is a tale of two victims: one, a misunderstood but outspoken boy snuffed out by the hatred of a classmate, and the other the classmate behind the trigger, mistreated by those who should have known better and by his own violent tendencies. "Valentine" does not judge who is the bigger victim or which side you should take, but what it does is make you pick a side by the end of its ninety minute duration. It's ultimately a lesson on the failures of law enforcement, caregivers and the educational system, and it will haunt you whenever you stand face to face with a child.