A Grand Guignol horror movie, produced and directed by William Conrad, better known as TVs Cannon, about the daughter of a recently deceased magician, who must stay seven nights in her father's spooky old mansion if she wants to inherit his fortune.
William Conrad
Warner Home Video
Henry Slesar, John Kneubuhl
- Surprisingly good little haunted house film. An heiress' magician father dies, Cesar Romero, and his will states that she must live in his spooky old house in order to inherit his fortune. That set-up seems like something out of a William Castle film, but this film is much better than that, with some genuinely spooky and suspenseful moments. The man responsible for directing that suspense was William Conrad, who I mainly knew of from "Jake and the Fat Man," and had no idea that he had a career as a director. Overall, this film falls somewhere in-between being campy William Castle spook house flick and a more artful psychological horror film like Robert Wise's "The Haunting." It's certainly not camp, but it's not quite art, though it's certainly entertaining. This film was the second to last score by Max Steiner and look fast for a young Richard "Jaws" Kiel as one of the funeral undertakers.Reply