Aspiring chef Danny (Callum Turner) is struggling to make ends meet, living with his mother and brother in a Polish neighborhood in Queens, New York. Ellie (Grace Van Patten) is a girl hardened beyond her years, who returns to New York at the request of a small-time hustler (Mike Birbiglia), with her eyes on an easy score. Danny gets a call one night to fill in for his brother on a job. It all seems simple enough: meet a driver (Ellie) with a briefcase, proceed to a rendez-vous spot and exchange one briefcase for another. But when Danny accidentally swaps the wrong bag, this pair of unlikely criminals is thrown together on a two-day odyssey to get the missing briefcase back. They travel through the boroughs and suburbs of New York City by train, bus and stolen bicycle - they break into a house - they tell half-truths about who they are - and they find themselves, in the midst of this chase, beginning to be slowly drawn to one another.
Adam Leon
Adam Leon