A Netflix original short documentary, set in Aleppo, Syria and Turkey in early 2016. As the violence intensifies, The White Helmets follows three volunteer rescue workers as they put everything on the line to save civilians affected by the war, all the while wracked with worry about the safety of their own loved ones. Moving and inspiring, The White Helmets (directed by Academy Award (R)-nominated director Orlando von Einsiedel and producer Joanna Natasegara) is both a snapshot of the harrowing realities of life for ordinary Syrians who remain in the country, and a humbling portrait of the power of the human spirit.
Orlando Von Einsiedel
Grain Media
  • While it can be a tough documentary to take in, "The White Helmets" shows something truly beautiful about real life heroes. The movie is a good short length and gets its point across well. It is a relevant movie and one that I feel is important viewing. It is both harrowing yet also inspirational. It is one of the better documentary shorts I've seen recently.
  • Phenomenal. I have been very ignorant on what the fighting in Syria is all about.
  • Phenomenal work. Impossibly saddening, but also uplifting. Just..... wow
  • A powerful picture of the situation in Syria and of the heroes who are trying their best to help.
  • Crazy good, and emotional, documentary about the heroes in white helmets. I dare you not to cry. Such an amazing group of humans.
  • Lacked the narrative punch I was hoping this subject matter would deliver. Failed to build the White Helmets as a larger than life group which would've been great. However, the subjects chosen are very likable, and the film is intense for the entire duration. Some of the big dramatic hitpoints are in odd places.
  • The White Helmets shows to the world the work of true heroes in a powerfully moving documentary about the war on Syria.
  • An absolute much see!
  • Héroes viviendo en una tragedia llamada Siria. Más que merecido el Oscar a mejor documental corto.
  • Increíble las imágenes que muestra; increíble que el mundo siga ignorando esta tragedia; increíble que Putin sea tan podrido; increíble que los cascos azules no sirvan para nada; increíble que Trump sea aliado de Putin; increíble que los Oscar tomen una decisión política y les den el premio a ellos; increíble que vivamos en un mundo con seres humanos capaces de esto... Hay que verlo y leer un poco sobre Siria y Medio Oriente, nada va a cambiar pero por lo menos si la gente se entera de quien es el asesino Bashar al-Assad algunas neuronas se pueden mover.
  • I don't cry easily, but I cried more than once. Tears of joy when I saw them pulling out the Miracle Baby, and more tears knowing that, while there are people spreading hate, these people are spreading love.
  • Wonderful documentary about Syrian men trying to save as many victims as possible.
  • Surprenant! Je ne l'ai connaissaient pas ces Casques Blancs. Très bon! Du début à la fin.
  • The Russian jets deliberately bombing hospitals, schools, children cannot be disputed. Assad is a maniac & Putin is his thug.Brave men are risking death every hour rushing in to newly bombed areas to dig out families, babies. In the same time 130 White Helmets were killed, they saved hundreds of thousands of lives. If you want unbiased proof to make up your own mind, this is the Documentary you must see. You can't unsee or unknow this.We are NOT doing enough. Anyone doubting Putin is a monster needs to see this. A bombing followed by a 2nd bombing while family & rescuers are trying to save families is as bad as terrorists BUT using mass weapons to carry it out.Where is The UN? How is Putin & Assad not condemned & nations doing more to stop them?Putin & Assad are NOT targeting Isis or al Nusra. These are direct, deliberate hits on millions of innocent citizens. We are so fortunate to be born in countries that protect our speech & have laws limiting power & keeping corruption in check.We must do more to help Syrian families.
  • Momentos ora tristes, ora felizes, mas sempre dramáticos. Haja disposição e coragem para resgatar (e para acompanhar/filmar também). Vale a pena conferir esse vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Curta-Metragem