The comedy tells the story of two fathers who are polar opposites (Adam Sandler and Chris Rock) and the dysfunctional hilarity that ensues when their families come together to celebrate the wedding of their children. They are forced to spend the longest week of their lives together and the big day could not come soon enough.
Robert Smigel
Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel
  • Adam Sandler gets a bad rep. His comedy hasn't changed or progressed, but i personally think thats the beauty of it. This movie along with his others are comforting, and nostalgic in my opinion
  • As a recently married man, I really connected with all the prep it takes to put on a wedding. I enjoyed Adam Sandler's performance..it really was the heart (no pun intended for those who have seen it). I love "Bridesmaids", this is the male equal.
  • I thought this movie was hilarious. I love Adam Sandler he's always yelling and messing something up. Steve Buscemi is also one of my favorites and the woman who plays Adam Sandler's wife is perfect for this movie lol especially how she yells like him and stuff people are so annoying funny movies are funny ?? the movie was funny that's what it was supposed to be it wasn't supposed to have a one acting in it it was just supposed to be funny and it was! The plot was good it worked I didn't frel like it was a movie I've already seen. Keep them coming Mr Sandler!
  • adam sandler, the mcdonalds of comedians, you know what you going to get and you like it.
  • Peter Romano is a PHENOMENAL actor. 10/10
  • Very emotional movie very funny very good wow oh my God
  • It's good to laugh again!
  • It recycled the old Adam Sandler comedy formula, it's a super cheesy movie but will definitely give you a laugh if you're into that sense of humour
  • Compared to The Ridiculous 6, The Do-Over, Sandy Wexler, and a bad case of Shingles, The Week Of is relatively painless.
  • My family and I enjoyed it. I'm not sure what other viewers were expecting but it worked for me and mine.
  • Funny. Irreverant. 2 great stars with a fantastic supporting cast. Yes, people will be insulted as they need to be. It targets stereotypes and we need to learn to laugh at ourselves again.
  • This movie was both laugh out loud funny and endearing.
  • Laughed the whole time. Story missed a couple of moments that could of made movie a little more better like they never addressed a father son relationship that struggled. But if you just want to laugh and have a good time, this movie is it! You really root for adam sandlers character and feel for him when things don't go right. But wow, so funny
  • Terrible. This movie was one of the worst I have seen in a long time. I don't get it. I normally love Adam Sandler movies and this one was a waste.
  • Pretty funny movie, I think the harsh reviews are a little much. This is a good relax, dont think, just chill family movie. I think Adam Sadler and Chris Rock make a good duo, it has it's funny bits, and good family humor, I guess... you just have to be a cheap a??s to get it. ??